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Arthur Kirkland is driving
10 minutes ago

What do British people and statues have in common?
●57 people like this

Alfred F. Jones: creepy? XD lolololol

Francis Bonnefoy: Hmmmmmmmm, stoned? (*^O^*)

Feliciano Vargas: I know! Statues are beautiful ve~ there are lots of bella in UK.

Peter Kirkland: dunno.

Kiku Honda: I have tried thinking about it, but I do not know, Arthur-san.

Alfred F. Jones: So dude, what is it?

Arthur Kirkland: WE LITEARLLY NEVER FUCKING MOVE! (*`Д´)ノ!!!

Francis Bonnefoy: he's stuck in traffic again XD

This was a from vine a saw on youtube XD dunno if it's true though.

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