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Wang Yao
4 minutes ago

Aiyaaah, everyone doesn't pay their debt. They run away when I ask them to pay up. This is so frustrating aru. °^°
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Kiku Honda: I can understand how you feel. It is indeed very frustrating.

Alfred F. Jones: Fine, I'll pay up. Just stop sending me... those stuff. It sends shivers down my spine dude, like seriously...

Arthur Kirkland: Yeah, you should pay the guy up you bloody wanker.

Alfred F. Jones: Shut up tea maniac. You still owe me money. -_-

Ivan Braginski: America, I still remember your debt to me 12 years ago da. When will you pay me da?

Alfred F. Jones: Oh! Russia, bro! Yeah! My debt! I'll pay you soon.

Ivan Braginski: When is this soon? When I already get to squeeze your puny face da?

Alfred F. Jones: Come on! Don't be so psycho. Chill. This is why you don't have FRIENDS.

Francis Bonnefoy: ... Oh shouldn't have said that mon amie.

Arthur Kirkland: America, you Bloody git. Russia, How much is his debt?

Ivan Braginski: 5 dollars.

Francis Bonnefoy: ...

Arthur Kirkland: ...

Kiku Honda: ...

Alfred F. Jones: See?

Wang Yao: It is still money aru. America, you should pay me and Russia already. We need the money aru.

Feliciano Vargas: Let's eat pasta instead :D ve~

Alfred F. Jones: Yeah let's just do what Italy says.

Feliciano Vargas: Oh America, Germany told me that you still have debt to him. He asked me to tell you that you should pay up already. He needs the money and isn't in the mood, so you better pay up or else he'll give a
You a miniature of Florida stained with red, and a portion of it being cut to pieces.

Alfred F. Jones: Germany, that's you isn't it?

Feliciano Vargas: How did you know?

Alfred F. Jones: It's pretty obvious cause Italy doesn't speak, rather, type like that.

Feliciano Vargas: If you already get it, pay up. Now.

Alfred F. Jones: See ya later guys XD

5th Chapter! Yes! Hope ya'll liked it guys! Leave  comment if you can!

Happy Readings Everyone!

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