Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up in Vlad’s arms.

I could get use to this, I thought as I looked up at  him. He was looking down at me, smiling.

“Morning,” He said, grinning. I raised my eyebrow.

“Is it even morning?” I asked, getting up and stretching. He laughed.

“I don’t even know.”

I watched as he played with his ring. It’s now or never.

“Nice ring,” I said, hoping that would help me get information. He smiled sadly as he looked down at it.

“Thanks. It was my dad.”

Oh. Well... Um.... I was way off.

“It was the last thing he gave me before he died.”

My jaw dropped. “Died?”

His eye shot up as if he knew he said something wrong.

“Yeah. He-um- my parents were killed,” he said, looking down.

I didn’t say anything. I was shocked. His parents were killed? Murdered? Was that the reason he became an EagleHead?

“Why don’t you ask,” he said after a long silence.

“It’s none of my business,” I shrugged, leaning my back against the wall.

“Do you want it to be?”

I looked up at him and saw he wasn’t looking at me.

Was he asking if I wanted to know more about him? To get to know him?

“Yeah, I do,” I said, before completely thinking it over.

Apparently, I’m suicidal.

He looked up as if deciding whether or not to tell me.

“I was thirteen,” He started, looking back down. “My parents had finally let me back into the house after kicking me out. God I was so messed,” he whispered the last part to himself. He looked deep in thought.

“I came home from school that day and- and I heard gunshots and my mom crying. And when I walked in there were a group of men in ski masks. They just shot them right in front of me. They saw me, Me being an idiot had screamed. So I ran and they chased me. I lost them, though. Just like I lost my parents.”

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything.

I leaned in and kissed him, not knowing what to say. He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed back without hesitation.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, when we pulled away.  

“Don’t be.”


I woke up to the sound of banging.

And yelling.

In Spanish.

“Do you hear that?” I asked, still dazed. Vlad was just waking up. He got up and listened.

“Get outta my way, I’ll do it,” Said a familiar voice. Tony? There was a thug sound, followed by a crane coming through the side of the box. Me and Vlad jumped to our feet. Why were they opening the door? We couldn’t be in Spain already.

The light from the no opening side of the box hurt my eyes. What the hell is going on? I closed my eyes and a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the box.

“What the hell is going on?” I heard Vlad ask, angry.

“There’s a stupid cop that recognized our face. We’re leaving now,” Tony said, pushing me to walk faster. He gripped my arm tighter and I looked back and saw Vlad also being pushed by two of the guards.

Then the shots rang out.

Tony pulled me down, ducking down.

“Hey stop!” A voice yelled. Yeah like they were gonna listen. But hey, might as well play dumb, right?

“HELP!” I yelled, in the most innocent yet loud voice I could. “HELP ME!”

“Bitch!” Tony said, under his breath, gripping tighter. Despite the pain, I smirked.

“Let them go, Tony,” The voice said.

“¿Qué estás esperando? Dispárales,” Tony ordered, telling the guards to shoot them. More shoots ran out, turning into a full on shooting. We ran, or should I say I was dragged, into the side of the boat. Jackie appeared out of nowhere, out of breath.

“Ready?” Tony asked her. She nodded.

“Ready for what?” Vlad and I asked at the same time. They didn’t answer. Jackie took off her heels and climbed the railing of the boat. Then she jumped.

Yeah she jumped.

Off the boat.

Into the water.

Oh hell no!

“I’m not jumping off this boat!” I yelled, trying to get Tony to let go. “Hell no!”

“Too bad, Red,” Tony said, pushing me against the railing.

Red? What the hell?

The shots were getting closer. Four of the guards came from the corner running.

“¡Vamos,” One of them yelled. Tony gripped my waist as we climbed. The four guards had already jumped. Tony jumped but I didn’t jump with him. I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up and saw Vlad smiling at me. Only Vlad smiles in near death situations.

We heard more yelling in spanish, followed by more shooting. I took a deep breath.

“On three,” Vlad said.

“One,” I whispered, closing my eyes.  

“Two,” I heard him say.

“Three.” I felt my feet in the air, then came the rush of cold water.



Don't kill me :D 

Anyways hope u enjoy this chapter and Vlad's past :)


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