Chapter 9

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You know these people are completely rude! First they kidnapped me and now they're taking half around the world? 

Really what happen to the old fashion kidnapping where they just kill you? 

I  miss those.

And this freaking hulk kept pushing me out of the house. They placed duck tape on both mine and Vlad's mouth and duck tape our hands. When we walked out there was not a thing in sight. They said that if we tried to run they would shoot us. Not that it matter, me and Vlad completely gave up trying to escape. 

I glanced at Vlad as one of the Hulks pushed him out the door next to me. He looked really sad ever since our last conversation.

It looked like he completely gave up on life.

And that when my heart dropped.

Was it because of me? Was because I wanted to forget that ‘almost’ kiss?

I looked away, feeling suddenly mad.

I hated him.

I hated that he was an EagleHead.

And I hated that he made me feel something for him.

Something I didn’t completely understand.

I felt one of Hulks put his hand on my head, pushing me down and pushing me into the car.

“Thanks for being so gentle,” I said, rolling my eyes. I heard him puff and walk away.

I really hate these guys.

Vlad remained quiet as he got into the car. His silent treatment was driving me crazy! Why wasn’t he freaking out? Doing something?

Jackie got into passenger seat while Tony got into the driver seat. He smiled.

“Spain, here we come!”


It smelled like fish. That was the smell that was filling up the car.

Where the hell are we going?

Then I saw it. A cruise. We’re going on boat?

But the car didn’t stop on the deck it keep going, to a warehouse. I turned and looked at Vlad, who had remain quiet for the whole ride. He looked deep in thought and was playing mindlessly with his ring.

I wonder who gave him that ring?

Probably his girlfriend.

Does he even have a girlfriend? I wonder if he would tell me her name and address.

I turned and smirked at the murderous thoughts in my head.

The car came to a halt and Tony got out. He opened the door and grabbing Vlad by the collar and pulling him out.

You know they could be more gentle.

We were pushed into the warehouse, where there was more Hulk looking men guard a large wooden box.

Hell no.

“I’m not going in there!” I yelled, turning around and trying to run away. Didn’t work out to well because one of the guards grabbed me by the waist and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I was kicking and screaming. I didn’t want to go there!

“Hey! Put her down!” I heard Vlad yell. I looked up just in time to see one of the guards pull him back, stopping him from moving, and punching him in the stomach. Before I had time to react, the guy threw me into the box, my head slamming the hard wooden floor. I think I blacked out for a second because when I woke up, Vlad was right next to me, his arm over his stomach, groaning.

“Bon Voyage,” I heard Tony said, then the door started closing.

Oh no!

I got up rapidly, despite the fact that my head was spinning. It was dark, the only light was coming from the holes on top of the box. I felt like I couldn’t breath.

Suddenly, missing the cold cellar in the middle of nowhere.



Yes... they're in a box.... LOL 

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