Chapter 4

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I don't have sappy story to tell you. 

My parents didn't die and that's why i became an assassin. 

Neither did my parents get kill and I was looking for revenge. 

Nope. None of that. I was an assassin because it was the family business. 

My dad was a SnakeHead. And his father too. I was trained at a young age to kill people with remorse. 

I was also trained to hate anyone who worked for the EagleHeads. 

You see the EagleHeads were another Assassin group. Only unlike us, they killed anyone for a large amount of money. Anyone. Weather they did anything bad or not. It made me sick. Who could kill innocent person? Definitely not me. Anyone working with or even talking to an Eagle is a dead man walking. 

I woke up, not knowing if it was morning outside. There were no windows here. I groaned and rested my head on the wall behind me. How the hell did I let myself, an assassin, get kidnapped? Was I ever getting out of here? Questions started popping up in my head, all of them being tears to my eyes. 

Oh come on you're an assassin, man up! A voice in my head yelled. It was right. I was a weak assassin. I wasn't like the others, A stone-hard killer. 

I then realized I was crying. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees, and cried. 

What the hell was I going to do when I didn't even know why they kidnapped me? 

"Are you crying?" I heard a faint voice said, softly. I looked and through my wet eyes I saw Vlad looking at me. I almost had forgotten he was here. Almost. 

"No," I lied, wiping my eyes. 

"You see, this is the reaction you should have had yesterday," He said, smirking. I glared at him. 

"You're an ass," I snapped at him, burying my head back on my knees. 

"Hey I was joking. Are you ok?" He asked, seriously this time. I sniffled but didn't answer. 

"Do you have... people that should be looking for you?" He asked, carefully. I couldn't see him but I heard him moving. I looked up and sawing him passing his hand through his black hair. 

"No. My parents live in another state," I said, not knowing the honest came from. 

"So why are you crying?" He asked, harshly. I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh I don't know probably the whole being kidnapped and my freedom being taken away." 

He suddenly went quiet. Ha. I got him thinking. 

"Isn't there someone waiting for you?" I asked, wanting to find out more about my kidnapped companion. He laughed. 

"Nah. I live alone." he said, as if it was the best thing ever. I made a mental note. 

1. Lived alone. 

"What no parents, siblings?" I asked, sitting up straight. He eyed me suspiciously. 

"I'm an only child and my parents hate my guts. I was raised by the streets," He said, crossing his arms. 

2. Only child.

3. Parents hate him. 

4. He either ran away or got kicked out. 

"Why?" I asked, stretching out my legs and wiping my now dry tears. He smiled. 

"Whats with the twenty questions?" He asked, smirking. 

"Well I want to get to know the person i'm probably gonn die with," I said, toneless. The smirk was quickly gone just as it came. 

"We're not going to die."

I stood up. "How do you do? How do you know that they won't just come here and shoot us? Or leave us to die hungry and leave our bodies to rotten in this basement?" I suddenly exploded. Vlad looked completely clam. 

"Because they feed us and if they wanted to kill us they would have already. They need us for something."

I hugged my arms around the shirt he let me borrow yesterday. "And why would that be?" I asked. 

He shrugged. 

"I don't know and I don't want to wait here and find out." 

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. "Whats that suppose to mean?" 

He smirked. "That means while you were sleeping I was thinking of a way to get us out of here."

5. Vlad was a planner. 

"You have a plan? to get us out of here?" I asked, shocked. Why hadn't I thought of one? 

Some assassin I was. 

"Yes. Now are you in or am I gonna have to ask for my shirt back and leave you here?" 


FINALLY UPLOAD!!! haha! sorry it took so long and sorry it's so short. Well whatcha think? like it? hate it? wanna marry it? DON'T FORGET TO VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN! oh for anyone who is reading this (if there is anyone...) this book will be a series so there'll be three books total!!! so.. yeah. hahah



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