Chapter 5

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I bit my lip. I hope this plan works. I could feel Vlad's eyes on me.

"What?" I snapped at him. He chuckled.

"You're nervous aren't you?" He said, smirking. I shook my head. I'm in assassin. I'm not nervous.

"I'm not nervous," I siad, sitting up, " I'm just thinking of every possible way this can go wrong."

He laughed. "You worry to much."

"And you're don't worry at all," I said, crossing my arms.  He shrugged. 

"are you ready for the plan or not?" He siad. I rolled my eyes but nodded. 

"Hey!" I yelled, turning my face towards the door. "HELLO! KIDNAPPERS!" I yelled, a little bit louder.  There was a sound then the door swung open. Tony came in and he wasn't happy. 

"What the hell do you want?" He said, stopping my in front of me. I rolled my eyes. 

"I want to go to the bathroom," I said, standing up. Tony raised his eyebrow. 

"What?" He asked. He looked piss. I crossed my arms slowly. I could feel Vlad's eyes on me. I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach. I don't get it. Why was I only nervous around him? 

"What? Don't speak english?" I joked, but kept a serious face on. His face got red but he turned his head towards the door and called out. 

"Jackie!" He yelled. Jackie came in, looked at me in disgust then looked at Tony. 

"What?" She asked. Damn these kidnappers are grumpy. 

"She needs to go to the bathroom," He snapped, head nodding towards me even though I'm sure that wasn't necessary. I am the only other girl here. 


Jackie looked at me again. "Whatever."


I lifted my arms. Tony looked at the chains before looking at me. He's thinking weather or not this is a trap or not. Maybe he's not a complete idiot. 

Then he took out a kep and unlocked it. 

Nope still an idiot. I smirked at him and walked over to Jackie. 

"Hurry back," Tony said, as he glared at Vlad, who had a smirk on his face. 

"Come on," Jackie siad, digging her nails in my arm as she dragged me out. I  bit my tongue. Damn this chick had nails like knifes! 

She dragged me upstairs into a small house. I did a quick scan of the house. They were the only ones who lived it but it looked abandon. She pushed me into a hallway and in front of door. 

"Go fast," She snapped, letting go of my arm, leaving red marks on my arm. 

"Whatever you say," I said, opening the door and closing it. 

Then I went to action. 

I quickly looked for something to knock this chick out with. The bathroom was pretty small and I couldn't find anything. 

"Hurry up, bitch!" I heard her say, banging on the door. 

I smirked. This was going to be fun. I opened the door and smiled at her sweetly. 

"Its about time-" I elbowed her and had her in a head lock. She was about to scream but I put my hand over my mouth. I could easily snap her neck, but I was feeling sympathetic. I pressed my finger hard on her neck, on her pressure point, and watched as she slowly passed out. I checked her body for weapons but she didn't have any. 

What kind of kidnappers don't have guns? Of course with her nails were enough. I looked at my arm before kicking her on the stomach.

"You bitch. You made me bleed!"  I walked back the way I came. I walk sleathly, even though I know Tony and Jackie were the only people here. I was about to make my way back to the basement, when I heard Tony's voice behind me. 

"What are you doing?" Without thinking twice, I spun kicked him, making him fall to the ground. I quickly ran to the basement door and slammed it shut, putting a chair against the doorknob. That should hold, but not for long. 

I jogged down the stairs and saw Vladimir pulling a table to the middle of the room. 

I had to admit watching his muscles flex...

"How did you get out of the chains?" I asked, walking up to him. He was about to answer when the sound of banging was heard. Tony's up and trying to break down the door. 

"We don't have much time," he said, getting up on the table. I watched him as he reached out and started opening the vent. His shirt rose up a little as he did this. I smirked to myself. This guy had a hell of a body. I wonder how many hours he spends working out. 

My eyes wondered his stomach until something caught my eye. A small but noticeable tattoo. But not just any tattoo. 

It was an eagle. I've never met an eagle. I'd imgaine a huge eagle tattoo on their back, not this little back shadow of an eagle. I snapped back into reality when Vlad pulled himself up to the vent. 

He was an EagleHead.

He was a hard-core killer. 

6. Vladimir Boyer was an assassin. 

He reached out his hand to me, but I shook my head. 

"What?" He asked, as the banging grew louder. 

But I just shook my head and took a step back. 

"Raven, whats wrong?" He asked, impatiently. 

Tony was really close to opening that door. But I didn't care, I looked Vlad straight into his blue eyes. 

"You're an assassin," I whispered, barely hearing myself. All color was washed out of his face. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

I pulled my sleeve down, relieving my snake tattoo that was around my wrist. Vlad's eye widen. 

"But I do," I said. He stared at me for a long time.

"You're an SnakeHead?" He said, asking it instead stating the obvious. I heard the door burst open and Tony came running downstairs, gun in hand. 

"You're not going anywhere." 

Escape plan A... fail. 







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