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Kryslian's POV

I was laying in bed contemplating on if I should go to the mansion today or not. I wanted to see the twins, but didn't wanna deal with Qua's bullshit.

I groaned rolling out of bed finally deciding that I'll go. I mean something in me wanted to Domingo, so might as well.

I hopped into a quick shower before getting out to brush my teeth and doing my makeup. I got dressed in something relaxed that showed some skin.

I grabbed the keys to my Audi, and locked the house up. I hopped in car heading straight for the mansion.


I walked in the mansion because usually they be to distracted when playing 2k instead of answering the door.

"Who you showin' all that skin fo'?" I heard Set's voice turning around to see him with Niara.

"Myself nigga. Why you worried?" I smiled at him.

"You my sister the fuck you mean why am I worried?" He gave me a hug, and handed me Niara.

"Not even gonna ask if I can hold her, or not." I shook my head, "Where's Niyah?"

"Up in the room. If she ask I'm down here wit the gang." He walked into the gameroom.

I walked upstairs while I played with Niara. I was almost to their room when I saw Domingo.

"Wassup lil mama?" He smiled once he saw me.

"Hey." I looked up at him.

"So you decided to come see the twins instead of me huh?" He joked with me.

"I was coming to see all 3 of y'all, but they might take up all of my time." I smirked at him, "I mean unless you have time to come over to my house later on we can chill or whatever."

"Oh, now you makin' time for me?" He smirked.

"Whatever, nevermind. I'll find someone else then." I rolled my eyes walking towards Niyah and Offset's room.

He turned me around holding my waist, "Like who? I'll be over there tonight." His hands were still on my waist barely touching my skin because of my jacket, "Just make sure Qua don't show up before I do. And stop showin' all this skin."

"You ain't nobody's daddy. I'll show all the skin I want." I laughed walking backwards.

"I'll be yo daddy tonight." He winked at me, and walked away.

I shook my head laughing as I walked into the room seeing Niyah rocking Kiyah.

"He ass sent her back up here with you?" Niyah rolled her eyes.

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