Chapter 37

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Finn quickly ushered Rory to his car and sped off towards St. Francis.  She called the hospital on the short ride to inform them of her impending arrival.  She texted Emily and called Logan.  When he didn't answer, she left a message on his voicemail.

"Um, so, I guess I'm in labor and my water broke.  My mother informed me by pointing out the giant wet spot on my pants.  Typical Lorelai.  We're headed to the hospital now, and since I'll be doing all of the work by pushing a human being out of me, I'll let Finn keep you updated.  I'm really sorry that you can be here liked we planned, but in true Gilmore fashion, she's demanding a more dramatic entrance," Rory said.

As she hung up, she winced in pain.  She had really started to feel the pains of labor.  She'd never felt anything quite like this, but it wasn't as bad as she'd imagined.  In fact, she wasn't sure what her mom was talking about with the crate of dynamite.  The pains were getting closer together by the time they'd reached the hospital.  Finn managed to get a close parking space.  He grabbed a wheelchair for Rory and took her up to the fourth floor for labor and delivery.

After she was checked in, she was brought into a delivery room and given a gown.

"Put this on and take a seat on the bed.  I'll be back in a few minutes to attach the monitors and check your progress."  The nurse stepped out.

"Will you stay in here with me until my mom gets here?" Rory asked.

"Of course, I will," he replied sweetly.  He was a little nervous because he was not prepared for this kind of situation.  He wanted to be there for Rory, yet he wasn't sure what he could do to help her.

A stronger contraction caused her to wince again.  She grabbed Finn's hand and held on until it passed.  He helped her put on the hospital gown and get up on the bed.  The nurse came back and hooked her up to the monitors.

"It's time to check and see how far along you are," she said to Rory.

"I'll step out," Finn offered.

"No!  I need you in here," she replied and took his hand as another contraction came and went.

"I won't leave until your mum gets here," he replied with a smile.

The nurse assisted Rory into the right position and measured her progress.

"You're at nine centimeters.  Looks like you got here just in time.  I think you'll be ready to go soon," she said.

"I've got to wait until my mom gets here," Rory said with a hint of panic in her voice.

"I'm not afraid that's not an option.  The baby doesn't abide by your schedule," she replied.

"Can't we do anything to pause this?"

"That's not how this works, Sweetie," the nurse replied kindly.

"I'll stay here with you, Love," Finn said softly and kissed her on the side of the head.

"Can you find out how long she'll be?  Maybe she's close and can hurry," Rory begged.

Finn obliged and went to the side of the room to call Lorelai.

"Why, hello, Finny Darlin'!  How is my lovely daughter doing?" Lorelai asked in a fake Southern drawl.

"She's quite close and is hoping you are as well," Finn replied.

"To delivering a baby?  Why I'm not even with child!" she continued in the accent.

"No, close to the hospital."

"I'm about to leave Rory's right now," she explained in a normal tone after she sensed his urgency.

"That means you are at least twenty minutes away," he said quietly.

"Are you ok with being in there?" she asked in a concerned tone.

"I guess I'll have to be," he replied.

"You'll have to be what, Finn?" Rory called to him.

He put his finger up to signal that he'd answer in a moment.  The nurse checked Rory's progress again.

"Has she been begging for pain medications yet?"

"Actually, she's been handling the pain really well, and she's so close to delivering, I doubt they'd give her anything at this point."

"Just stay up by the head and you'll do fine," Lorelai said in an attempt to calm him.

"Thanks for the advice.  See you when you get here," he said and hung up.  He returned to Rory's side.

"So?" she asked anxiously.

"She's just leaving our house," Finn explained.

"No!  The nurse said I'm almost there and expects me to be ready to start pushing in a few minutes," she said and started freaking out about her mother's absence.

Finn took her hand and said softly, "I'll be right here.  I'm not going anywhere."

He kissed her on the forehead.  The nurse returned with the doctor following right behind.  The contractions felt like they were top of each other, and Rory could feel the intensity increase.  Fortunately, the pain hadn't overwhelmed her.  Once everyone was ready, Rory was instructed to push.  Finn stayed near her head, holding her hand, and whispered reassuring messages to her.  He couldn't believe he was in the delivery room.  At first, the idea freaked him out, and now, he was almost relieved to be in there and not in the waiting room.

Within fifteen minutes, the baby was out and resting comfortably on Rory's bare chest.  She was beaming as she held her daughter gently.  It felt perfectly natural for her.  Finn leaned down and softly touched the baby's hair.  Rory turned to him and the happiness written all over his face.  A single, happy tear streamed down her cheek.  He moved closer and their lips met in a gentle kiss.  When they pulled away, neither could hide the grins on their faces.

"She's beautiful.....just like her mother," Finn said tenderly.

"She's........perfect," Rory replied in a whisper.

The couple sat in blissful silence with the newest bundle of joy in Rory's arms.  When things were ready, Rory and the baby were brought to the private room Finn had arranged.  Once they were settled, Finn shot Lorelai and Emily texts to let them know where they were.  He also sent Logan a picture of Rory and Victoria.

Finn: Congrats!  Victoria (middle name TBD) Gilmore was born at 1:11 pm today.  She weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 20" long.

Finn didn't expect an answer but got a phone call.

"She's perfect!  How's Rory?" Logan asked skipping any preliminary pleasantries.

"She's doing well.  Her water breaking was a bit of a surprise, as was her advanced stage of labor, but she did great!" Finn explained.

"We are at the airport to catch a flight to Hartford.  Let Rory know I'll be in tomorrow.  I don't want to come in too late tonight," Logan said.

"Come, and meet your daughter!" Finn proffered.

"Ok, I will.  Thanks, Finn," Logan replied and hung up.

"Where the newest Gilmore?" Lorelai said as she entered the room.

"Shhh, she just got done eating and now, she's sleeping," Rory said in a whisper.

"She's beautiful, Rory," Lorelai said quietly.  "You must be exhausted."

"I am, and I think I'd like to take a little nap while Victoria's sleeping," Rory replied.

"Let's go get some coffee, Lorelai," Finn suggested.

Before they left the room, Rory was already asleep.  Victoria was beside the bed in one of the hospital's bassinets.  Lorelai paused at the doorway and looked at her daughter, who suddenly looked much older than she remembered.  She could hardly believe she was a mother now.  She managed to fight back the tears that threatened to make an appearance.  Sadness and happiness mixed together as she realized her one and only daughter had grown up.

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