Chapter 4

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Finn woke up with Rory cuddled up next to him. He has no idea how she got there. He remembered putting her into her own bed last night. He wasn't going to make a big deal about it. She was a friend who needed some comfort. He just couldn't say no to Rory.

He held her until she woke up. She looked at Finn and grinned. She reached up and put her hand on his cheek. She drew closer and kissed him. He was surprised at her boldness but kissed her back. He pulled her closer to his body. When the kiss ended, they slowly pulled away from one another.

"Wow....I wasn't expecting that," Finn said after the initial shock wore off.

"After what we did last night? I find that hard to believe," Rory replied in a sultry tone.

Finn was suddenly aware of his own body and the feeling of her naked body against him. He couldn't figure out why they were without clothes and even more worried why he didn't remember it.

She kissed him one more time. She got out of bed, wrapping a sheet around herself as she left the room. Finn tried to figure out what happened, but the only things he could remember were putting Rory to bed and texts from Logan. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table to check for those messages. There weren't any. He wondered if he'd dreamt that conversation.

Finn looked around and realized he was in his own room at his house. He got out of bed and put on some boxer briefs. He went into the bathroom, where he heard the shower running. Rory opened the shower door when she heard him in the bathroom.


"Yes, Love?" he replied, trying not to look at her.

"Could you hand me a towel?" she asked sweetly.

Finn handed her a towel and tried to leave to avoid an embarrassing moment. He was too slow as she used the towel to pull him toward her and into the shower. He stumbled into the shower, and she started to kiss him again. Her hands were freely roaming his body. He attempted to stop her, but it only seemed to make her hungrier for him. He didn't want her to stop, his body positively responding to her touch. He pulled her close, kissing her, and moving down the side of her neck. She let out a low moan, her hands still exploring him. She teased him by tugging at the waistband of his underwear. She didn't care he had them on when she pulled him into the shower. She wanted him, over and over.

Now, they were both wet and completely naked. He couldn't hide his excitement anymore. Rory pushed Finn up against the wall. He had never imagined she could ever be like this with him.

Finn awoke with a start. He quickly scanned the room and saw he was in the same room he was in last night. He checked his phone and found the angry texts from Logan. It was a dream, but it was so real. He couldn't believe he would think of Rory like that, and the feeling didn't seem to be going away. He decided he needed to take a cold shower to calm down.

After settling down, Finn went downstairs into the kitchen. He poked around in cupboards and the fridge trying to find some food for breakfast. There wasn't much, but there was enough for him to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He started a pot of coffee. A few minutes later, Rory walked into the kitchen with her robe on.

"I didn't know you were still here," she said smiling.

"I decided to stay after you fell asleep. Hope you don't mind," he replied.

"Not at all. I'm actually a little relieved, especially after last night's events. I could use a little company, and by company, I mean distraction!" she confessed.

"Once again, I'm at your service, Love. Breakfast is served," he offered, grinning.

"Thanks, Finn! I'm starving!" she answered, kissing him on the cheek.

He felt himself blushing. He turned quickly trying to hide it. Her touch sent a tingle through his body and was doubled recalling the dream he'd had the night before. No girl had ever made him blush like she did. No, no, no! You can't think like this! He warned himself.

As they finished eating, Finn decided to tell Rory about the texts from the previous night.

"You know I got some not-so-nice texts from Logan last night," he said.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yes, he was pretty pissed at me. He thought I was going behind his back and making a move on you."

"Really? It's not really his business, now is it?"

Is she saying she would date me? NO! Stop thinking like that! Finn thought.

"No, it's not, but the whole bro code...besides, I told him to get some professional help because he can't pull stunts like that again!" he replied.

"You did?" she asked sounding surprised by Finn's actions. "What did he say?"

"He apologized, and asked me to be a good friend to you," he replied sheepishly.

"Thanks, Finn. I know you've always got my back, but I don't want to come between you two. You've been friends longer than you've known me."

"You need a good friend, and I'm here! He's the one who fouled things up."

"You really are the best, Finn!" she said, gracing him with another kiss on the cheek.

This Sheila has got to quit kissing me, or I'm going to think she's attracted to me, he thought.

"Yes, I know," he replied with a wink. "What's on the agenda for today?"

"I hadn't really thought about it," she said. "I've been craving a burger from Luke's. How about a trip to Stars Hollow? If you're game, that is....."

"Wouldn't that be a little weird? I know it's a small town, and people will definitely talk. They'll assume things about you.....and me.....together....."

"So what if they do? I'm tired of playing by everyone else's rules," she replied smiling.

Is she really dropping all of these heavy-handed hints, or am I reading too much into it? He wondered.

It was obvious to Finn that Rory really wanted to go to her beloved hometown, and what Rory wanted, Rory got.

"Can you be ready in an hour?" Finn asked.

"I can taste Luke's already! You won't be sorry, I promise!"

"I'll be back to pick you up. I need to go change my clothes. I'm sure this is far too formal for such a trip," he replied smiling.

"You'd definitely stand out in that, but you'll stand out no matter what! Being with me will spark high curiosity."

"I had a feeling that would be the case. Are you ready to deal with that?"

"Like I said, I'm tired of other people's rules. What people in Stars Hollow think is the least of my worries. I'm sure by the end of the day, everyone will think you are the father of my baby," she stated.

"No one knows?"

"No, and it's going to stay that way. I'm going to January Jones it up, even after the baby is born. There's no need for his family to find out. It's none of their business," she said, starting to get a little worked up.

"Ok, Love. You go get ready, and I'll be back in an hour, ok?" he said after he hugged her.

"Yes, Finn. I'll be ready," she replied with a small smile.

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