Chapter 23

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"Andi.... Get up......" Rosie annoyed poking my face. "Rosie let me sleep." I groaned turning my face to the other side. "But mom and dad aren't home yet." she whined. I pushed myself up using Johnstephens chest. He looked at me and I smiled. I looked at the two boys still sleeping on the couch and laughed at their funny position. "Rosie and Andi? you guys can hang out at my house." Johnstephen said in his sleepy voice. Rosie jumped in the air "Yesss!" I climbed off thee couch and walked into the kitchen, I made eggs and bacon for everyone. Rosie woke up Baylor and Cole and everyone started to eat. I made some tea and fell asleep at the table. Johnstephen put his hand on my back and made me wake up again. "Sorry. Long week." I laughed. "No it's okay." he said looking into my eyes with furrowed eyebrows. "What?" I asked. "You look so pale." he said, all the boys and Rosie looked at me. I stood up feeling nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and almost didn't make it to the toilet. Johnstephen held my hair back and kept telling me its okay. I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I kept getting hot then cold and I was constantly dizzy. "Cole and Baylor grab Rosie and get in the car." Johnstephen yelled. I walked with Johnstephen to the car. I got in the front with Him while Rosie is in the back with the boys. I closed my eyes and woke up in Johnstephens room.

"Hey Andi how do you feel I have some chicken noodle soup." Johnstephens mom greeted.

"Where's Johnstephen?" I asked.

"I don't know." she shrugged.

"Johnstephen!" I screamed and he came running in.

"Could we have a moment?" I asked his mom.

She smiled and left.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I just don't want to be alone. I'm scared. Please take me back." I cried.

"I would love to take you back. I just kinda can't. I'm dating Sarah again." He said.

"Oh. Can you leave?" I asked.

"I-" he started.

"Please just leave me alone." I cried.

I laid down on my side and pulled the blanket over my head. I heard him start to walk to me but he turned around and left. I let out a loud cry. I thought he loved me and I was wrong. I need to know where Rosie is. I dizzily climbed out of the bed and used whatever I could to hold me up. I opened the door and I heard Rosie's voice down stairs. I held onto the railing and walked down. I slipped down a couple stairs and let out a yelp. I sat on the step and held on to my ankle. Rosie ran to me and hugged me.

"At least I have you." I said.

"And I have you." she cheered.

I forced a smile. Rosie ran back into the kitchen and I stood up. I limped down the rest of the stairs. I put my hand on the wall and walked into the kitchen. Lilly, Cole, Jordan, Sarah and Johnstephen were all talking. I walked over to the cubbords and grabbed a glass. I knew everyone was looking at me.

"Can I help you guys with something?" I wondered.

"No but you could use some help." Sarah mumbled.

I slammed my glass cup on the counter and the shards of glass went into my cheek and arm. I yelped again. I cupped my hand over my hand over my cheek and limped out of the room. Cole followed me. I took a seat in the bathroom. Cole helped me pull the glass out of my skin. I don't know why Sarah is such a female dog but the thing that really upsets me is that no one does anything about it. I stood up on my bad ankle and winced.

"Are you okay."

"Couldn't be better." I lied.

"I wish I could just hit my head and forget all of this." I said

"All of what?" he wondered.

"Meeting you guys, Lance, cutting, smoking and my family." I admitted.

"But if you never met us. You would have met Johns." Cole stated.

"Exactly." I said trying to get him to get my point.

"But then you-"

"Please let's just drop it."

He nodded and walked me into the kitchen. I walked over to the glass and cleaned it up. I threw away the glass and took a seat in Rosie's chair and put her on my lap. I listened to everyone e talking about how nice it is to have a perfect life making me realize I'm such a screw up. I mean, I have changed so much from before I met everyone to now. I really need some help and someone to talk to. Therapists? Mental institution? Who knows but I need to come clean from everything and get away to some place so I can become a better person.

Stay strong Andi.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora