Chapter 2-meet-n-greet

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It's almost 11:30 and I haven't even gotten dressed yet. I got out of bed and ran into the bathroom, I turned on the shower and got undressed. After I got out of the shower and got dressed into the outfit I picked out yesterday, I ran back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair, put mascara on and brushed my teeth. I pulled my curler out from under the sink and started to curl my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a wrestler after the fight. "Bye Andi were leaving for grandmas we should be home in 2 weeks!" My mom yelled up the stairs. Everyone but me are going to grandmas for the fourth of July. I put my curler back under the sink and checked the time 12:00. Crap were gonna be late it starts right now and it takes us 20 minutes to get there. I run down stairs and wait outside for Lance to pull up. He pulled up 5 minutes later, I run out to the car and get in. "Hey." i said buckling my seat belt. He slapped me "I talk you listen!' he yelled. I nodded. "Don't touch them or let them touch you don't tell them what happened you make up a lie and ill be looking at those pictures and any picture I don't like gets deleted got it?!" I nodded again. "Now don't talk to me the rest of the way there." Thank you. I decided to sleep till we got there.

"Wake up!" Lance yelled and punched my temple. I sat up "get out" I nodded and got out. There was barley any girls there anymore, I walk over to the small group of girls and got in line for a picture with them. It was finally my turn for a picture and since I don't have anyone to take a picture of all 3 of them and me so I have to take them separately. "Whats your name?" Baylor winked. "Andi. Can I just have a separate picture with each of you?" I asked. Baylor nodded and we waited for Cole and Johnstephen. "So what happened?" Baylor questioned pointing at my cheek. "I was jumping on my bed and I slipped and fell face first into the corner of my desk."I explained. We stood up after the last couple girls got their pictures. Cole and Johnstephen were talking while they were walking over to us. The boys all stopped talking and stopped walking, they just stared at me so I pulled out my phone awkwardly. "She just wants separate pictures." Baylor blurted and stopped the awkward silence between all of us. "I'm Andi." I said looking at the car that had Lance sitting in it. Johnstephen held out his hand I started to put mine out but Lance honked. My hand zoomed back down into my pocket. "Lets get the pictures done." I suggested. I stood next to Cole and he snaked his arm around my waste, I didn't smile because I know that its gonna get me in trouble. "Come on smile!" Baylor yelled. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Johnstephen was smiling at me. Baylor handed Johnstephen my phone and ran to me, Cole stood next to Johnstephen and Baylor picked me up bridal style."Your really light." he gasped. I ignored him and smiled. Johnstephen handed Cole my phone and Baylor ran over next to Cole and Johnstephen ran over to me. He bent down and kissed my cheek so I acted shocked. "Thanks." I said walking over to Cole and they handed me my phone. I started running to run to the car. While running I sent the pictures to my email and laptop. I hopped into the car and Lance immediately slapped me. "Lance I am sick and tired of you abusing me!" I yelled slapping him. He started driving at 20mph then 25. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door and jumped out. I skidded across the ground and everything went blurry and soon enough its black!

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