Chapter 19

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"Johnstephen take me to the store!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him. "Why me?" he asked laying his head in my lap. "Cause your able to buy me cigarettes. I'm not old enough to buy them." I said. "I'm not going to buy you cigarettes Andi, they aren't healthy." he babbled. "But I really need them!" I squeaked. I noticed my hands were shaking, I massaged his scalp to see if my hands would stop shaking but they wouldn't. "Please one last pack and We can go get suckers to stop. You know like when I need to smoke I eat a sucker instead." I asked. He shook his head,"no." he said sitting up. My hands started shaking more and I started sweating. I got so angry I slapped him. I stood up and backed away, my shaking hands cover my mouth and my eyes are closed. "I'm sorry." I said as he got up and walked towards me. He stood in front of me looking at me, I put my hands over my face and turned around so I'm against the wall. The sweating started getting on my nerves so took my shirt off still facing the wall. He put his hand on my back and he pulled me away from the wall so I was on his lap, I kept my face hidden in his chest. "It's okay Andi." he whispered."No it's not." I cried. He held me tighter. "Let's just lay here and forget about everything." he whispered but I stood up and put my shirt back on. I ran downstairs and put my face in the fridge to stop heat and sweat, didn't work. I opened the cabinets to see if we have any suckers, luckily we did! I grabbed the whole box and walked up to my room but heard johnstephen talking. "Guys she's changing she won't listen to me anymore." he said making my heart ache. "I am maybe she doesn't like me anymore?". "She makes me feel bad when she cries or when she's scared of me. I kinda wish I didn't kiss Sarah cause I still I don't know love her I think I don't know cause I." I walked in like nothing happened and grabbed my phone. "Hey babe." he said. I ignored him and walked to my closet and put on sweat pants over my shorts and a T-shirt over my cami. "So I found some suckers so I don't smoke." I said getting so angry I started ripping all my clothes off their hangers. I put on some sandals and grabbed a sucker. "Good, are you okay in there?" he asked as if he cared. I walked out of the room and ran down stairs with the box of suckers and my phone. "Lets just say you love Sarah that's the end of it!" I yelled. "Your breaking your promise!" he yelled. "You broke yours!" I yelled and during it my voice cracked. God if I wasn't a sensitive person this would all be easier. "What are you talking about?" he said cause he's now standing next to me. "I'm talking about your little conversation. It's not my fault I'm very sensitive. I try to be strong because your Johnstephen Vine famous boy from Demwhiteboyz all girls want you, I had you but I'm sure you'd be better with Sarah someone who has been in your vines, someone who,someone who has been with you since before me, someone you really truly love." I sobbed. He looked down. "Andi I'm sorry I was just mad at my self and I had no one else to take it out on." he started. "So you take it out on me the girl with problems, why don't I just wear a sign that says 'Need someone to blame? Blame me?!" I snapped. "No! I was gonna say that I loved you on the phone but you cut me off when you walked in." he rose his voice. "Maybe we need a break Johnstephen." I cried. "No I think you should-". "Leave? Die? What!" I sobbed louder. "None of those things! I think you should just forget about what I said. It wasn't right for me to say okay and I'm really sorry!" he yelled causing me to run to him and hug him. "Johnstephen that wasn't me I don't know how I said those things cause I never would have. I love you." I cried in his chest. "I'm sorry and it's okay to let your anger out on me okay and I love you too." he smiled and kissed the top of my head.

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