Chapter 6

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"Nice blanket." Cole joked with a smirk. "Shut- What ever." I snapped back. Both boys are sitting on the small couch with barley any room for me so I laid on my stomach on the floor playing around on Picmokey making edits. I turned around and looked at the boys, Cole was looking down at his phone and Johnstephen was looking at me. I waved him over and he laid on his stomach next to me "What are you doing?" he asked sounding like I didn't see him staring. "Just making an edit." I answered showing him my laptop. "Nice your good." he smiled. He got up and sat back down next to Cole. I finished my edit 5 minutes later and kept dozing off.

I opened my eyes to see Johnstephen carrying me up the stairs, he laid me down on his bed. I closed my eyes and waited for him to leave, he kissed my forehead and walked out. I then went back to sleep.

I woke up and it's only 6:00. I got up, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs. Everyone is still asleep except me, I walked over to the couch and sat on the floor in front of Johnstephen. Cole snored and scared me but also woke up Johnstephen. "You alright?" he asked. I nodded "better than ever actually." He sat up and walked into the downstairs bathroom,I think. I took his spot and woke up Cole, he sat up and looked for Johnstephen. "He's in the bathroom." I laughed cause he looks like and idiot. He got up and stumbled into the kitchen looking threw the cabinets. "Andi you want a pop-tart?" Cole asked walking back into the living room. "Sure." I replied. He handed me one, the bathroom door opened and I ran to the kitchen table,"Cole get to the table." I whisper yelled. Johnstephen walked into the kitchen smiling, I started eating. He opened the cabinet and pulled out a pop tart. He walked into the living room too, "Come on." he laughed. I stood up and slowly walked into the living room. "Lets go to the pool!" Cole suggested. I shook my head and looked at Johnstephen begging him to not go with my eyes. There was a knock at the door,the person walked in, just Baylor. "Where's the babe?!" Baylor shouted. His face went red when he saw me, I waved. I threw my hair up in a high messy ponytail. "I saw your brother hanging out with some pretty cool dude outside." Baylor told Cole. "Me and Andi will just stay here, you guys can go." Johnstephen blurted causing me to let out a gust of air I was holding. "Then we won't go cause-" Cole started. "You better go unless you want me to do your nails and makeup." I smirked. Both Baylor and Cole ran out the house. "Just kidding." I whispered after they left. Jordan came down stairs, she must have just woken up cause she was scuffing her feet on the floor. "I'm gonna hang out with Jack and his friends." She mumbled. "Looking like that?" Johnstephen joked. She shot him a glance and shook her head with annoyance. I laughed causing me to sit down on the ground. She walked back up stairs after eating a bowl of cereal. I stood up after staring at Johnstephen playing on his phone, I walked up stairs so I could get dressed. I put on a blue sweater with a white heart in the middle,White shorts with spikes on the pockets and braided my hair on the side of my head so it hangs on my shoulder. I opened the door, there's Johnstephen, I gave him a smile "You look nice." he blushed, "That's a new one. Thanks." I blushed. He walked into his room,closed the door and got dressed. He came out wearing kaki colored shorts and a purple shirt. "Do you wanna meet who ever Jacks new friend is?" he asked. I shrugged "sure." We walked down stairs and I put on my white vans. We walked outside and walked over to Coles, they were in the garage cause I could hear the music. Jordan waved us over, Johnstephen started running and pulled me with him, I saw Jack,Clay,Jordan and the back of someone's head. "Guys this is Lance." I watched him turn around. I grabbed Johnstephens hand he looked at me "I'm gonna-" I started. "Babe I've missed you were have you been?" he said pretending to be nice to me. he gave me a hug. I closed my eyes. "Hey I'm not gonna be home for a while." I smirked. He rolled his eyes. Johnstephen looked down, come on does he not realize that Lance was the one hurting me? "Can we please leave?" I asked. "Come on we can play soccer in the back." Lance smirked. Everyone walked into the back, leaving me and Lance behind in the garage. He made sure no one was around "So where did you go?" he asked walking around me. "No where." I snapped. Of course he slapped me. "Just wait. In soccer lots of 'accidents' happen." he grinned. He grabbed my neck and kissed me, I kept my lips together. He back handed my mouth and kissed me again but made me kiss back. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away, I started walking when he pushed me on the ground. I saw Jordan, hand cupped over her mouth. I got up and ran to her "Please don't tell anyone. This is a secret between you and me or I'm dead. Literally dead." I begged. She slowly nodded and we walked back to the backyard. Johnstephen wasn't wearing a shirt, along with the rest of the boys."Heads up!" Lance yelled throwing the soccer ball at the back of my head causing me to jerk my head forward. I walked over next to Johnstephen and Jordan falling on Johnstephen's muscular arm."you okay?" he asked. I put my hand on my head and nodded. I didn't want to go home and Lance would have made an excuse to watch me so they can play. I started off being put on Johnstephen and Clay's team. Clay passed me the ball and I started to run, Lance came running at me. When he hit me he smirked, I fell back words causing my back to painfully hit the ground. "I'm good." I said sitting up. I got up. And hurled as soon as I opened my eyes. "I'm gonna take her home."Johnstephen said picking me up. Lances face went red with anger..I smiled inside. "Johnstephen can I talk to you?" I heard someone say. My eyes getting heavier and my head lighter and lighter.

I woke up in someone's arms, I looked up it was Johnstephen, My head in his chest, his arms around my arm but wrapped from behind. "I'm so sorry." he cried in my hair. For once I finally felt safe.

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