Chapter 10-July 4th

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All the boys have been trying to contact me and my mom. I sent a message to them all and said,
To Mom,Johnstephen and 2 others
Happy Fourth of July!Mom have fun with Rosie and Boys have fun with your families!
Ugh I could have been spending time with someone but nope, I pushed everyone away.
From Johnstephen
Please talk to me I miss your voice.
To Johnstephen
I'm not your girlfriend, why would you miss my voice.
From Johnstephen
I know but We haven't talked in a week.
To Johnstephen
ReAlly you can't go a week with me. Sounds like you miss me.
From Johnstephen
I do!
From Mom
Call him or me! Who ever you want but I need to know your okay.
To Mom
Fine. I'm okay mom. Happy?
From mom
What happen to my happy loving little girl?
To mom
If you knew what's happening you'd understand.Ill just call Johnstephen.
I called Johnstephen. "Hey." his voice sounded depressed. "Are you okay?". "Oh my gosh finally!". "I saw your girlfriend she seems nice." I said running my fingers down my wrist feeling all the scars. "Thanks, so do you stay with my family for the night? Sarah is gonna be there though.". "Sure can you guys get me cause I don't have a car.". "Yeah I'll be over in an hour.". "Kay bye." I said hanging up. I took a shower, I put on a light blue long sleeve crop top and a peach colored skirt,stops a mid thigh,its very flowy. I walked into the bathroom and blowdried then curled my hair into big loose curls. I put on my tan high heels,the tie in the front and covered my whole foot. I put on a bunch of bracelets and the bell rung. I walked down stairs and put on my cross body purse. I opened the door, there stands Johnstephen and Sarah. "Hi I'm Sarah." she holds out her hand. I shook it "Andi." I replied. "Oh yeah your the girl who tried to kill her self in the lake." she said. "Yep that's me suicidal girl." I said closing the door and locking it. Johnstephen whispered something to Sarah. "Sorry. That was a really rude first impression." she said shaking her head. We got in the car and left. "So who all is gonna be in the house?" I asked. "Like everyone, Baylors family,Coles family,My family and Johnstephens family oh and a couple of friends." Sarah said getting out the car. I got out and I could hear loud music. I followed them inside, Cole ran up to be and gave me a hug. "We all missed you." he said. I gave him a fake smile. "So where'd you run off too?" Angie yelled from the kitchen. "Home." I answered walking into the kitchen, she was trying to get something from the top shelf. I kindly moved her over and stood on my tippy toes and grabbed the plates. "Thank you." She said giving me a hug. I took off my shoes and sat them on the second step from the bottom. Lilly and Tate were running around the house "Stop your gonna break something!" Cole yelled walking into the living room. I ran up and grabbed Lilly from behind. "If you stop I'll help you do Coles makeup."I whispered pointing at Cole who was walking over to us. She ran away and sat on the couch with Tate. "How'd you do that?" he asked. "I told her if she stopped I'd help her do your makeup." I laughed.

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