Chapter XI

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*********** A/N *************

this is for my bestie Charlie (@blivarmageddon) thanks for the amazing cover xxx i love it xxxx


Chapter XI

****************************** Katie’s P.O.V ***************************

I must have fallen asleep soon after take-of, because I’m woken to the sound of an air hostess asking me if I want any tea or coffee. I quickly glance around to see whether Peter is beside me. He’s not, I panic and the air hostess asks me if I’m okay. I quickly retort that I am and that she should mind her own business, then I apologise and say that I’m tired and that’s the reason I’m a bit grouchy. I then add that I would like a coffee, to keep me awake and she pours me one. Once she has toddled down the isle in her heels I look around the plane for Peter. Because it’s mid – flight we can get up and have a stretch, but the isles are so narrow, I don’t bother. I just stand up and have a quick look around. On my second full circle around the plane I see Peter walking towards me. Panic over.

“had a nice sleep?” he asks

“lovely, thanks” I say sarcastically, as I now have a rather stiff neck from the awkward angle that my head was at while I was resting. “I was disrupted from my lovely slumber by a air hostess that couldn’t help poking her nose into my business, while I was panicking about where you were.” I add, a note of anger creeping into my voice at the end of my sentence.

“Alright, alright,” Peter says “no need to be so bitchy. I went to the toilet if you must know,”

I look out of the window of the aeroplane, its light out, a lot lighter than it was when we left Manchester. I checked the flight tracker that tells you where you are on the map and the little black flashing aeroplane shape that looked like it had been drawn by a toddler was flashing over a great mass of blue, I was guessing that that was the Atlantic sea, but I was never any good at geography so you never know. I checked my phone clock that was set at London Mean Time. It said 12:00 PM as in midday. I thought back to Jade, and I wondered if she would know where I was and whether she understood why I had had to go to America and make the hard decision of leaving her to go and solve out the key mystery in my life. I hope she does understand, and I hope that she accepts what must happen. I wonder whether the others at ‘The Dump’ will miss me. I wonder how long it will take Abbey to get the message that I’ve disappeared. I wonder whether she’ll care. Probably not. She probably will never find out. Well, I hope she has a lovely calm life in London. But I hope that one day I will be able to say ‘I told you so’. That I will be able to prove that you should chase your dreams. I think back to the letter I wrote to Jade. I wonder whether she cried. I wonder if she told Luke. No. she wouldn’t I know she wouldn’t. this last thought sparks a new conversation between me and Peter as I see his head start to slowly nod, as he falls asleep.

“Do you think they’ll have found out now?” I ask him before he is deep into his slumber.

“What?” he says clearly pre occupied by getting some shut-eye.

“I said, ‘Do you think they’ll have found out now?’” I repeat, waiting for an answer.

“Definitely.” He repeats stony faced and with a hint of resentment in his voice.

“I’m sorry” I say. “I’m sorry that you have done this for me. Day by day I grow to like you more , y’know. Hour by hour and minute by minute.”

“Don’t be sorry, I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think you were worth it.”

I lift my heavy eyes once more to see brown grass as the plane comes into land. The taxi happens quickly and is quite smooth. As we go to the luggage carousel we are constantly checking our back to make sure nothing is too suspicious. We grab our luggage and head for the door towards the hire car collect. One more terminal and we’re out. It’s over. As we step through the door into the hot outside of California, the relief hits us,

“It worked” I sigh.

“Too damn right it did!” Peter says back to me.

We jump into the blue Chevrolet that is our new car and head towards the hotel. The journey only takes about ten minutes and when we get there the hotel is beautiful. It has a grand entrance and the rooms we get shown to are of the highest class. I am next door to Peter. Peter tells me that he will meet me in the hotel café at 6 and to unpack, get changed and make myself feel at home. Its 5 now which gives me about 45 minutes ‘cause I want 15 minutes to check the hotel out. Once unpacked and freshened up I go and have a look around the hotel. I notice a spa and a pool; there is a gym and fitness area and there are numerous restaurants. I head down to the café at about five minutes to 6 and sit there for a while waiting for Peter to come. I order a bottle of water while I’m waiting. When Peter finally comes down he orders a bottle of champagne and an extra glass. The waiter looks at me and smiles. He must think that peter and I are together. I mean peter is about 23 and I’m 17 so it could happen but come on! The drinking age in America is 21 so I’m a bit surprised that I have been offered a glass. When the champagne comes I raise my glass and peter raises his.

“To new beginnings” I say.

“To new beginnings” he says in return.

And we drink the champagne like drinking away all of our worries. And the world turns cloudy and fuzzy and perfect.


Thanks to all of you guys

I love you all


 The song for this chapter is

Raise Your Glass



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