6. Everything Has Changed

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I woke up right before the alarm blast its irritating noise. It was for Gav and Ethan anyway, so why do I care? The thing that bugs me the most right now is that I woke up at 6am. I fell asleep probably around 2:20 while watching our show and here I am wide awake after almost 4 hours. Great.

I try to move and and see if Mia is awake, but I guess the silence gave it all away. I am draped around her waist with my head on her lap, her arms are covered wih the heavy duvet and I don't want to move so I won't wake her, but my bladder wanted me to rush to the bathroom.

After a moment, Mia moved and I try to escape her arms dangling around my waist.

When the duvet slipped, it wasn't Mia. I mean it could be Gav, but I can still hear him snore from the bedroom.

"Hey, did I wake you?" Ethan asked. I could not answer. How? When did he get here? I guess I gave him a confused look that made him gave me an explanation, "I woke up last night to check up on you because I remember Gav and I were squatting on your bed, and I could not let you sleep on a couch even when you guys said you'll be up all night watching anyway." He continued and gave me a sly smile. "But I saw you here sitting on the couch and snoring like your brother." He smiled again, this time, a teasing smile.

"You're lying, I don't snore." I said almost whispering because we might wake Mia up.

Still smiling, he said, "Okay smarty pants, why are you awake so early then? You haven't completed the minimum 8 hours of sleep yet."

Oh yeah, why did I wake again? Oh right, I was gonna use the bathroom, but seeing Ethan at my side, made me forget. I don't wanna go anywhere 'till he has to leave.

"Nothing, I was just cold I guess." I lied. But I really was cold. I just lied about the 'nothing' part.

We talked for an hour before he leaves with Gav back to the USMA. Good thing I was just sitting beside Ethan with a reasonable and decent distance when Gav woke up. They started preparing to get back as I made food for everyone. When Mia woke, she helped halfway through making breakfast.

"I'll see guys you tomorrow night for New Year's Eve. Tell mom not to bring food okay? There will be a banquet there for everyone, aright?"

"Yes Gav. I'm pretty sure you told mom about that already." I answered.

"Well she might forget. Alright, I'll see you ladies tomorrow." Gav looked at Mia and she just smiled and nodded. It's good not seeing them fight.

Gav went out first to see if there's a cab nearby and right before Ethan followed Gav, he told me, "I'll see you tomorrow", kissed my cheeks and went out.

"Ooohh that's an interesting 'goodbye'," Mia said raising an eybrow at me. "I thought you were bored and just simply uninterested with Mr. Cutie Pie?" She continued accusing me and smiling with triumph.

"I didn't say that," I mumbled.

"You told me, and I quote: 'Nothing, we ate, we danced and we talked. That's it.'" Still raising her snarky eyebrow at me.

"Well, that really happened. So technically, I didn't lie," I said, satisfied with my answer.

"Whatever Sammy," And she continue eating her scrambled eggs and pancakes.

"Well, how about you and Gav? Why are you guys almost ignoring each other? Did something happen? I mean, you guys aren't usually like this, it's freaking me out."

"Nothing happened Sam." She answered, bored.

"What changed?" I asked, sounding casual.

"People change Sammy, deal with it. We grew up. Mature enough not to call each other names like little kids anymore."

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