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I rolled my eyes at his statement,"Hayley, I hope you don't mind, I took Hope to practice earlier." I mumbled. 

"I trust that you will always protect her, after what happened." Hayley rubbed her hand on my upper arm and smiled before walking away. 

I could feel the air thicken as Klaus stared at me. I wanted Hayley to come back and I wanted to leave. After all of the years I finally came to a understanding of what I want. I wanted a family. I wanted to have a family with Klaus. Sadly I didn't know if he felt the same. 

Hayley had helped me through the stages of grief that I went though, she on the other hand searched every other day for a cure.

"Well do you like it?" I asked him. He looked me up and down.

"Violet I saw you, in the tunnels with me." He said, turning away from me,"I knew it wasn't real but you gave me strength to fight." His tone was slightly scary. My dead heart began to pound and I got nervous. 

"Klaus, I'm sorry we didn't get you sooner. I was here with Hope and Hayley was looking for a cure." I whispered. 

"My daughter, what does she know about me?" I could hear his heart breaking as I imagined a small tear on his face. 

"That you give up your life to save your brothers and sisters."  I wanted to touch his arm or something just to comfort him. But I didn't know how bad he was in his own mind. 

"Thank you Violet. For everything." 

"No problem." I gave a flat smile as I walked out of the room.


"Violet its Thursday!" A small voice shouted, I slowly began  to open my eyes and I saw Hope at my door. 

"Hey honey." I croaked out, sitting up,"I was thinking, why don't you spend some time with your dad? I know he wants to meet you." I blinked trying to wake up, then I yawned,"You mom will introduce you. I'll be down later. I have something to take care of today." She looked as if she was about to cry.

"Okay." She mumbled walking away, I felt horrible, but since the Mikealsons were back, I could search for my family. 

I had found out that they are called Mystics. No one knows about them and anyone who has tried to get involved or search as gotten killed. My eyes and power didn't get triggered from the power of the other coven but in my time of need it would come and assist. After it was triggered I was able to use it whenever I wanted. 

I slowly got up and began to get dressed. I got dressed in a black turtle neck and high rise shorts. It was lose around the neck, more like a sweater than a shirt. I didn't care though. I slipped on my boots and swung my sting book bag on my back. 

I needed to track them, I knew they were around watching me but I couldn't find them. I tried my blood and I've tried a expression spell for my soul to meet with them rather than my actually presents. Nothing worked. 

"Where are you off to?" I heard a voice as I walked down the stairs. 

"Out." I didn't care to see who it was. 

"Alone?" It was a female. I turned around and it was Freya. 

"Yes alone, Freya. I'm looking for my family." I sighed,"And I've been for the past 5 years." 

"But you left them? Would they be-"

My coven is dead, by my blood line family. The Mystics." I walked down and onto the porch.

"They are a myth Violet." She rolled her eyes.

"I met my father the day that you all got put to sleep. His eyes burned like mine but a different color. He said there were more of them. Even since I fought him, I never saw him again." 

Freya's eyes shot open and she looked me up and down,"Your a mystic."

"What do you know of the legends?" I asked her as Freya looked as if she was recalling a story.

" Dahlia would tell me story's to scare me as a child. Their eyes burned and they would kill for power. If you went to the woods alone, their neon eyes would appear and they would suck you dry of life." She looked back at me and straightened her shoulders. 

"Thank you for that story. I guess." I looked at her, and nodded before walking away. 

She grabbed my arm,"You really think I'd let you go alone?"

"They won't hurt me." I mumbled before looking at her hand. She removed it and I walked away. 

I walked through the woods to the spot Hope and I practice. I came to a sudden stop when I saw Hope and Klaus in the woods at our spot. 

"Shh," She removed her bracelet,"You tell my mom or Violet." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as I did a invisibility spell on myself. I nearly snapped because it was unsafe. Klaus watched her as she healed a butterfly's wing. Then she put her bracelet back on and I saw a bright blue light. 
I stared at it trying to see what it was as Hope stared at it to. I broke my vision when Klaus and Hope got far enough.
I did a protection spell on myself and began to walk back to the house. I had to tell them before I left.
I walked up the steps and Freya looked at me,"Back already?"
"There is a blue light, its captivating. I think its on its way here." I told her. She looked at me as if I was dumb.
"Hope was with Klaus and when Hope looked, it was behind her. I have no idea what it is but we cant assume its friendly." I closed my eyes and opened them, they no longer burned. I mumbled a protection spell on the house. I walked over to Freya and touched her head putting one on her. After that Freya helped me put one on everyone else without them knowing so they wouldnt get freaked out. They were having a good time together and the last thing we need is a spazz out murder spree.

Sweet Dreams [K.M]Where stories live. Discover now