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I learned that the man in the suit was name Elijah. Freya had convinced her brother Elijah had compelled people to get me a bed, dresser, couches, and all of the other stuff I needed. I was going to buy it but Freya insisted that, that's what friends are for, to help. I wasn't objecting because it was some pretty expensive stuff he got me. It was also within a matter of a hour all of it was delivered and given to me. Then Elijah with his super vampire strength carried everything and out it where I asked him to. After everything was sorted I hugged Freya and then Elijah thanking them. I laid in my new bed and smiled.

 I laid in my new bed and smiled

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I don't want friends but If Freya wants to be my friend so be it

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I don't want friends but If Freya wants to be my friend so be it. I don't want to have a connection to someone and have them get hurt or die or you know disown me.
Freya will be loyal to me, but to what degree? Loyalty comes at a cost. No matter what it is, people don't give it up.
I took a small hour nap and I wanted to go out and see the town. So I got dressed.

I locked my door and began to walk down to the loud streets

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I locked my door and began to walk down to the loud streets.

I looked around the Tents and came to a group of paintings. I was drawn to a dark one with a little bit of light to it. You could barley see it. Its was beautiful.
"You like it?" A British voice rang out from behind me. I turned and smiled, it was Klaus.
"Yes. It has a lot of meaning." I looked back at it.
"I painted it." I felt him get real close behind me. I am really short, I'm 5'1. So he was towering over me.
"I don't doubt it." I smirked and walked away from him. He didn't follow but I felt his eyes burn into my back.
I walked around the rest of the festival, and when to go home. Unfortunately I'm horrid with directions and ended up going into a back alley. So I turned around and went to walk back to the main street.

"Where are you going, witch?" Someone asked me, I knew it was a vampire. Then I heard another swoosh and I knew a couple of them were circling me.
"Please don't. I'm not a witch." I sighed growing annoyed. Then they began to walk in on me, I began to panic. If I ran, they'd catch me. If I fought back, they'd kill me. They only way I'd live would be, using magic. I refused to use magic.
"I'm warning you. Stop." I hissed and began to walk away from them.
"Or what little witch?" A different one asked, getting to close for comfort.
"I'll-" I was pushed back and I stumbled covering my head.
Someone appeared and ripped one of the vampires hearts out,"Or I'll kill you." I knew that voice, it was Klaus.
He then sped over and ripped the one that was close to me, hearts out,"And only I can call her little witch." He snapped. Then he went and killed the rest. I stood up slowly, feeling weak all of a sudden.
"What the bloody hell are you thinking? Going into a dark alley." Klaus snapped at me, his hands were bloody but I didn't care. I was going to collapse, so I fell into his arms and luckily he caught me.
"Thank you." I mumbled looking up at him.
"I got you ,love." He smirked.
"How did you find me?" I whispered.
"How could I lose track of the most beautiful girl in the festival?" I though I was hearing things. He didn't just call me beautiful.
"Klaus I feel weak. Take me home." I sighed softly as he picked me up and sped into my home. I was half asleep when he laid me in bed and I'm pretty sure he Kissed me on the forehead and left.

I woke up and had a bad migraine. I was still in my clothes from last night. I remember what Klaus had done for me and I wanted to thank him properly. So once again I got dressed but this time I headed over to the Mikealsons.

"Hello? Anyone home." I yelled out as I walked though the front doors. A blonde women sped in front of me.
She looked as if she was going to attack and I ducked as she swing, Klaus and Elijah zoomed down and grabbed her.
"Not her." Then she went to attack Haley who just sped down,"not her either!" They held her body fully down.
"There's not point in protecting us females. Every women you touch turns to poison." Freya came down and snapped her neck with magic.
"Sorry sister." Freya touched her head.
"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself.
"Yes Violet? How can we help you?" Elijah smiled at me, rolling up his sleeves.
"Well I actually came here to thank Klaus for last night." I gave him a smile and nodded at him,"I really appreciated it."
Hayley scoffed and I turned to her. They seems like they understand that I was taking offense.
"What is your problem?" I snapped at her.
"What's your problem, baby killer?!" Hayley shoved me as if she was egging me on.
"Yeah I killed one baby, my coven has kill millions for generations!"I screamed in her face.
"Baby killer!" Hayley yelled back,"get away from my baby!" She added.
"I don't use magic anymore because of that! I refuse to use dead children's magic!" I shoved her, and she barley moved because in the end I was a human and she was a hybrid.
"That's enough!" Elijah said trying to intervene, but Freya held him back.
"If you don't leave I'll kill you." Hayley hissed in my face, shoving me to the floor.
"I'm not leaving, until I do what I came here for!" I yelled standing up slowly.  Within the moment I stood up, Hayley grabbed me by my neck and slammed me into the wall.
"Stop" I mumbled though the loss of air.
"Die bitch witch!" Hayley reached her hand back, I knew none of them would jump in and save me. So I closed my eyes and found that sane connection.
"Motus." I said lifting my hand as she screamed in pain. Every hand movement I made, made her bones break.
"But I will use it, if I need to. And you don't wanna see how powerful I am against you." I snapped, releasing my hand. Hayley picked her head up and sped away.
"Are you okay?" Freya asked, walking up to me.
"No thanks to you. You didn't stop her and made me do the one thing I didn't want to! Some friend you are." I bumped shoulders with Freya and shot a look at the brothers before walking back home.

Today was a mistake.

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