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I felt someone staring at me and I slowly opened my eyes.

"What happened to you?!" Klaus snapped softly. I could feel his concern, but why?

He mistook my silence as a invite to sit on my bed.

"Got attacked by a redhead vampire." I sighed, sitting up in my bed, resting against the back of it. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. Something triggered within him in that moment.

"I'll end her." He stood up pacing.

"It's the funniest thing, really. She attacked me over you. I'm pretty sure it was over you." He stopped pacing and looked at me. He sped over to me and grabbed my head. Before I knew it he was in my head. It only took a few seconds before he saw what she looked like though my eyes.

A small smirk grew on his face and he went to leave,"Klaus? Who the hell tried to kill me!" I snapped and he kept walking.

"Kann nicht gehen." I threw my hand up making a barrier spell, he seemed to not realize what it was and tried to keep walking.

"If you do not tell me now, I will hunt her down and kill her myself." I snapped standing up walking in front of him.

"Aurora. Long lost love." Klaus looked down,"She a psychopath."

"Why does she want to kill me?" I asked making him look me in the eye.

"You're a threat to her, little witch." He smirked and then bit into his wrist holding it out to me,"You're a allies to use, can't have you getting killed and all. Drink." He gestured to his bleeding arm. I slowly grabbed his wrist and looked at him,"Come on love, haven't go all bloody day."

I was hesitant to do this because if I died, I'd be one of them now. Plus I've never had vampire blood. I stucked up my fears and started sucking on his wrist. I was really close to him and the taste of his blood was indescribable. Once I let go, the blood healed me and yet all I could think about was his blood.

I nodded my head at the door, indicating that I took the spell down. He shot a look at me and then something snapped within me.

"Klaus!" I called to me before he zoomed away,"I'm tired of being useless." He seemed to understand.

"You are not at the least useless. Now I will be back later, you do not leave your home unless someone comes to get you. Do you understand? You're not strong enough to fight these vampires off." He snapped.

"I was strong enough to hold you, and your family down with the flick of my wrist and two words." I hissed,"I am going to handle this and if you don't like it. Oh well. I will not be a sitting duck for your crazy ex to attack me again."

"So what do you suggest?" He squinted his eyes at me and walked closer, making me feel uneasy yet braver.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Now get out." I smirked evilly at him and he looked at me. He gave me that, 'I'm onto you look' and zoomed out.

I was still in my PJ's, so I got dressed in a more public outfit.

I made sure to wear the necklace Klaus had gotten me, I clutched it

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I made sure to wear the necklace Klaus had gotten me, I clutched it.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled to myself hoping that Klaus and the Mikealson's heard me. I turned everything off in my house, grabbed my keys and began walking around town. I knew that she would attack me again as did Klaus and that's why he wanted me to stay home. She couldn't get in.

I snuck into a back alley and looked around, I didn't think I was being followed.

"Oh where are you?" I sighed to myself as I closed my eyes and began a spell that would heighten my senses. Freya taught me it just incase I was even in a vampire fight I could hear and see just as them.

"I didn't think Klaus fancies dumb girls." A female voice snapped and before I could react a hand hit the back of my head.

"I was waiting for you to show up." I smirked to myself, standing up,"Kann nicht laufen" I flicked my wrist making a boundary spell.

"I'll kill you if you touch my love again." She hissed, and I turned to face her.

"You've already made a mistake by touching me. Twice now. Schmerz!" I threw my hand towards her.

"Little bitch!" She creamed holding her head and dropped to her knees in pain. I walked closer and around her.

"I may be a bitch but I'm a strong bitch. Stronger than you." I snapped.

"Violet!" A male voice called from behind me, and I turned my attention towards it. Elijah stood there, touching the barrier.

"Can't fight me one on one huh?" The girl Aurora laughed,"Pathetic."

"Schmerz." I said again looking at her and twisting my hand. I heard her bones begin to snap. Hearing her cry in pain made something within me snap.

"Pathetic? I'll show you pathetic. Ad mortem." I breathed deep and began reciting the spells I've memorized throughout my whole life. All of the pain spells I knew, and then I snapped her neck after torturing her. I let the barrier spell down and I passed out. The last thing I heard was someone screaming my name.


I awoke in a unfamiliar places with Freya and Elijah staring at me.

"What happened?" I looked at Elijah knowing he saw what happened.

"You're magic, is dark magic. The magic your coven is giving to you. Since the magic is dark, when you use it, it makes you dark." Freya held my hand, sitting on the bed by me.

"But our training-"

"Does not matter anymore. You need to build up your willpower to stay good. Not to go after more power." Elijah jumped in.

"I wasn't going after more power. I had a strong will to kill that women." I sat up.

"I know, but you tapped into the bad parts in you, in order to harm her like that." Freya gently smiled at me.

"So what now?" I asked.

"We fight." Klaus walked into the room, and looked at me angry. We all seemed to understand at once what he meant.   

Sweet Dreams [K.M]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora