Chapter 18

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Ginny's POV.

"He needs you!" I encourage Ron.

"Yeah well he should've bloody thought of that!" He mutters.

"Ron! Just because he is still friends with Hermione doesn't mean he's not your best mate!"

"Pfffft. He lied to me! Lied!" He whisper shouts.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my interest piqued.

"I saw him! He thinks no one did, but I saw him!" He cries.

"Saw what, Ron? What could you've possibly seen that..."

"He kissed Hermione!" He interrupts.


"What?!" I exclaim, "Ron, Harry's gay."

"Yeah, well I bloody thought so until he kissed my girlfriend! Ex- girlfriend," he finishes glumly.

"What?" I question, shaking my head.

He only looks at me sadly.

"Maybe..  you should try talking to him?" I beg.

"Sounds like a waste of time, only to have my suspicions confirmed."
He pauses, "Okay."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

Harry's POV.

I'm walking down the corridor with Hermione by my side when I'm suddenly slammed into a wall.

"Ron!" Ginny trills.

Ron doesn't care that his sister is upset by his actions and just turns his head back to face me.

"Why'd you do it? Why the bloody hell did you do it?!" He shouts, drawing the attention of passerby.

This is the first time in weeks Ron has spoken to me willingly, and I get this?

"What did he do, Ron?" Hermione asks quietly from beside us, trying to not let the growing crowd hear her.

Ron's eyes water slightly.

"Don't act so innocent," he spits.

I'm beyond confused, but I need to deal with this head on.

"Ron, what are you so upset about?" I ask in a whisper.

"You act as if you don't know!" He wails at an increasing volume.

"Ron! Don't be daft! He obviously doesn't know." Ginny defends.

Ron turns toward me and slowly lets go of my shoulders.

I roll them back, letting go of some pain. Ron has more strength than he knows.

"You told me you were gay," he whispers.

"I thought you didn't care," I reply.

"I didn't- I don't. But then you..." he trails off, looking at Hermione, then at Ginny.

"What?" I question.

"You lied to me!" Ron says, his volume is slowly increasing and I can't tell if he is aware.

"About what?!" I shout back, aggravated.

"You kissed Hermione! And on the night we broke up, no less!"

I try to interrupt, to tell him what happened, I'm beginning to understand, but he's just getting started.

"You're a bloody fool, Harry!
And apparently so am I. Cause I thought we were best mates.
But then you lie to me about being gay and go and kiss my girlfriend!" He yells.

The crowd is starting to get very interested.

"Ex- Girlfriend," Hermione quietly corrects, not wanting to set him off.

He turns to her, turns to me, and suddenly I feel a stinging sensation on my left cheek, and am knocked back into the wall.

He punched me.

And as much as I want to punch him back for being an absolute wanker, I need to tell him what happened.

I look at Hermione, still holding my hand to my stinging cheek, and she gives me a slow nod.

"Ron," I start, "I am gay."

"Were you just making sure, then?" He jokes bitterly.

"No," Hermione interrupts, "I was."

The crowd lets out various gasps and oh's and, as a whole moving mass, steps closer.

"What?" He whispers.

"I'm uh- I'm gay as well," Hermione mumbles, so only Ron, Ginny ,and I can hear.

"What?!" Ron seethes.

"You must've uh.. went back to the dormitory once you saw the kiss.. I um, explained it to him then," Hermione adds.

"Of bloody course both my best friends are gay! Now what, Ginny? You fancy girls as well?"

Ginny looks shyly at her feet.

"Bloody hell," Ron exclaims in a whisper.

The most of the crowd has separated now, partly to get to their classes, and mostly because Ron has stopped yelling.

"I guess I'm sorry, Harry. And uh," he looks at Hermione, "yeah, good for.. good for you," he tries weakly.

Hermione laughs slightly and pats him on the shoulder.

I guess we were a little hard on him.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

AN: didya enjoy? Hope so.

There is some serious stuff coming up soon, pinkie promise.

Annyway.. yeah.

Please vote, comment, and share. :)

-Chance 🌬❄️🍻

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