Chapter 16

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Draco's POV.

I wake up to the sound of tapping on my window.

I sleepily shuffle over to retrieve the letter a slightly familiar owl is delivering.

Upon opening the letter, I see something I wasn't prepared for.

-As you may already know, I now reside in a place much more comfortable than where I was kept for the past few months.

Though I cannot disclose my location, I assure you that I am where I should be.

I trust that you will return to your duties that you were permitted to do.

I advise you not to do anything that may be seen as, 'disobedience.'

- Your Father. 

His trademark cursive scrawl sends shivers down my spine. The ominous, yet vague message isn't anything new.

I start pacing up and down my room, thinking over what to do.

Harry said that he'd be capable of keeping my mother safe, so at least I won't have to worry about that.. but I need to speak to him, warn him of the new development.

"Tempus," I mutter, revealing that the time is currently 7:30.

I decide I need to go down to breakfast and tell Harry that I have to speak to him as soon as possible.

When I arrive in the great hall, I quickly spot him and slip him a note.

This day will be torture.

Harry's POV.

While sitting in potions, I once again pull out the crumpled note Draco handed me at breakfast, and smooth it with my hand.

'Meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight at 9:00pm.
Come by yourself.
Bring cloak.
It's incredibly important.

-D.L. Malfoy

'Incredibly important?' What does that mean? Meeting him for anything is nerve racking enough, but now some important message..

I sigh, and the moment the professor dismisses us, dash to the common room.

Hermione is already seated on a plush red chair, engrossed in a book I've never heard of.

"Hermione," I call across the large space.

She looks up at me and, noting my expression, frowns slightly.

"What is it, Harry? Your scar?"

I shake my head and walk over to sit in a chair across from her.

"It's, Draco."

Concern creases her brow.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Malfoy?"

"No," I sigh, "He gave me this."

I hand her the note which she takes approximately 3 seconds to read.

"And...?" She questions.

I sigh again, exasperated.

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