Chapter 4

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Harry's POV.

I'm in a good mood as I make my way to the great hall for breakfast. Humming slightly, though not for any real reason, I bounce up to Ron and Hermione in an effort to join their conversation.

"Morning!" I chirp.

Ron looks at me like I've gone insane and Hermione gives me a slight frown.

"Someone's in a good mood," Hermione states questioningly.

I chuckle and try to tone down my unusual cheeriness. From behind us I can hear snippets of conversation and unintentionally listen in.

"That's absurd..."

"He kept waffling on about it..."

We are almost to the doors of the great hall now, but I keep listening.

"Are you off your trolley? He.... and I..."

"You... WHAT?"

Before I can hear any more, or figure out who it is, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin to face the source of the tap.

"Oh," I pause, taking in the people in front of me and deciding on which must have tapped my shoulder," hello, Parkinson.

She's standing with Zabini and Malfoy, but they're both a bit further behind her.

"Listen, Potter," she begins, "I was talking with Draco here, and it seems like you two have gotten to be pretty close,"

I glance at Malfoy and he seems to be trying to catch her attention. I only raise my eyebrows and let her continue, not correcting her.

"So I'm here to... extend an um," she coughs and gulps, almost as if it's killing her to speak to me, "invitation to you and your," she gestures meekly at Ron and Hermione, who look at each other in curiosity and also offense, "to come to the Slytherin dormitory this evening.. to... talk things over, maybe," she finishes.

I've never heard Pansy stutter, then again, she's never really spoken to me for longer than a minute, and those weren't exactly well wishes. 

I look around at Zabini, Malfoy, Hermione, and Ron and notice how uncomfortable everyone looks. It makes sense I suppose, we only spoke to curse each other for the last 7 years and now we're going to be, what? Friends? Pleasant I assume... this is stressful to think about. 

I look up at the Slytherins and make my decision.

"We'll be there."

Malfoy looks at me directly in the eye, surprised that I agreed, I guess. Pansy gives me a curt nod and darts her eyes to Ron and Hermione before spinning on her heels and clicking away down the halls with Zabini and Malfoy trailing along, cloaks swishing around their feet.


I take a deep breath, Ron and Hermione standing right behind me.

"I'm going to knock," I say for the third time this evening, but once again, my fist remains lull by my side.

"For merlin's sake Harry!" Hermione whisper yells at me, "This is your friend."

Ron looks at her like she's gone ballistic and might start campaigning for Umbridge to be headmaster at any moment.

"He's not really my friend, Hermione," I whisper back, still staring at the door.

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