Chapter 13

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Hermione's POV.

It's been three days since I broke up with Ron. That's three days since I told Harry how I felt about that kiss with Pansy. Three days since I made the mistake of revealing my feelings, which only made them more real.

And so much has changed.

As I walk by myself slowly down the hall, I notice the portraits looking at me and whispering.

Is it obvious I've been crying?

Harry has been doing what he can to comfort me, but at the moment I assume he must be feeling down as well.

After learning that Harry was still on good terms with me, Ron has given him the full silent treatment.

I keep walking, barely having the strength to pick up my feet, thinking about the past few days.


A hand darts out from behind a door I hadn't noticed before and pulls me inside a room.

It's completely dark before someone whispers, "Lumos"

A childish and distant grin appears before the rest of Luna's face is lit up by the glowing, white tip of her wand.

"Hello, Hermione," she chirps.

"Luna?" I question, shaking my head.

"Well duh," she returns, giggling.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes, remembering that this is not the worst that she gets.

"Why'd you pull me into an empty classroom? I'm not covered in Nargles, am I?" I sigh.

She gasps and replies, "Goodness no! And thank Merlin for your good fortune, they're everywhere."

"Relax, I was only joking, Luna," I chide.

"Hermione, Nargles are no joking matter!"

I almost laugh, but hold my tongue, hoping she doesn't notice.

Thankfully, she just keeps talking.

"I dragged you in here for a very important reason, none-the-less. I heard about you and Ron." She whispers, sounding sorry.

"I'm not too bent out of shape about it," I comfort, "I broke his heart, not the other way around," I continue bitterly.

"I know that!" She laughs, "But I'm sure you feel bad cause he hasn't been speaking to you."

I nod slowly. Thanks for the reminder.

"Not to worry, though. Things'll be back to good in no time," she insists.

I shake my head at her sureness.

"Luna.. I really, really appreciate your support, but the reason I broke up with Ron is just so.. complicated."

She smiles at me.

"It's not that complicated.. you're gay. So are me and Ginny and no one makes a big deal about that."

My eyes widen in surprise. Is this real, or just Luna being Luna?

What do you mean you and Ginny are gay? And how do you know I'm gay? I don't even know if I'm gay," I stutter.

"Well do you like kissing girls?"

I blink quickly at the bluntness but nod.

"And do you feel that way about boys?"

I pause for a second. Do I? I loved Ron, but not really in a romantic way, and I've never exactly been interested in anything but my books, until Pansy came along.

I shake my head slowly, my tongue pressed against the inside of my lip.

"Then you're pretty gay, Hermione," she giggles.

"And you and Ginny..?" I question.

"Well Ginny isn't gay. She likes boys as well. And as for me, I guess I've never thought about it," she says, letting out a small breathy laugh at the end.

"So you two are a thing? When did that happen," I ask bemusedly.

"Oh. Well, a few weeks after she spilt from Harry, we were talking and I guess we just kissed."

"You are aware no one, knows, right?" I ask incredulously.

"No one knows? That's strange. We hold hands everywhere.."

I guess I've been kind of out of it. And I probably wouldn't have read a hand hold as them being together, but all the same.

"Well, um.. I guess I'm happy for you. Does Harry know? Does.." I pause, "Does Ron know?"

She looks as if she's thinking about it.

"I guess if you didn't know, they might not either."

End of flashback.


Harry's POV.

I wake up earlier than I intended on Saturday morning, but head to the common room anyway, seeing as it's too early for breakfast and I can't fall back asleep.

To my surprise I see two people already up, talking at a low volume.

It's Dean and Seamus.

"Good morning Dean, Seamus," I nod at each of them respectively.

"G'morning, Harry," they chorus.

I sit down near the fire in an effort not to intrude upon their conversation.

"Harry," Seamus calls after a few minutes.

I turn around.

"How are you mate, you look rather blue," Dean asks sympathetically.

"I'm not that bad, actually." I lie.

"That's lovely, Harry. I'm glad you're feeling okay after everything that's been happening," Seamus says.

I nod slowly.

One they turn back to their conversation I sigh.

I'm definitely not feeling 'not that bad.'


AN: Do you like the way the story is developing? I promise every loose end will be tied up in the next chapter.

Best reading wishes
-Chance 🎬🌃🌊

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