Chapter 1

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A warm gust of wind rustles past Harry's ears. He takes a deep breath and the warm, misty, late summer air displays a slight vapour.

'It's good to be going back home," he thinks.

The sound of a train whistle swells through the air just as Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger walk over to him, hand in hand, chatting animatedly.

Hermione stretches up to Harry and gives him a tight hug hello, breaking it to speak.

"Have you grown?"

"Hermione we saw each other a month ago."

'Like a second Mrs. Weasley,' He muses.

Hermione only grins wider and speaks again.

"Can you believe we get to go to school for a whole extra year?" She asks dreamily.

"Knowing you, you're studying for final exams already," Ron digs.

"And why wouldn't I be? This is our final year and we need to get it right!"

"The eighth year was only added to make up time from the war! It's not a big deal, 'Mione."

The sound of his friends voices fade out as Harry is reminded of why he didn't stay with the Weasley's over the summer. Despite his fierce love and appreciation of his friends and the fact that they finally got together, he couldn't deal with the constant bickering between them.

He decides to interrupt in an effort to get a move on.

"The train will leave without us if we don't hurry!" He says, only half kidding.

Hermione nods quickly and drags Ron by the hand onto the train.

Some things never get old.

Ron and Harry begin heading to the first empty compartment they see but Hermione stops them.

"Just up ahead is the compartment you both sat in before first year started. Should we maybe take a visit, for old times sake?"

Harry and Ron share and grin and traipse the way to the compartment.

Upon entering Harry and the others are wrapped in a warm cloak of nostalgia and melancholy smiles.

Harry lets out a sigh at the memories just before a knock sounds on the door.

"Luna! Neville!" Hermione exclaims, practically blocking the view of the much welcome guests and distractions as she bombards them with hugs.

"We didn't think you guys would be back this year!" She continues in excited surprise.

"My father is off studying to write a piece on the Blibbering Humdinger." Luna explains proudly.
So the plan we made to find a group of Crumple-Horned Snorkack will have to wait."

"I couldn't think of a single reason not to come," Neville supplied, "And trust me I tried. But Hogwarts is plenty close to where my parents are and I need to complete school if I ever want a job. The muggles are the only ones who would take me at this point."

Ron nods boredly as if hoping for a more interesting conversation and Hermione continues chatting animatedly with Luna.

It's only a few minutes later when the compartment door flies open.
A sound that has them all jumping to their feet, wands in hand before they collect their thoughts enough to realise it's only Malfoy and his entourage. 

Harry's heart beat slows then speeds up dramatically but he takes it as a natural reaction to the entrance made by Malfoy and nothing more.

"Potter," Malfoy spits out, "Granger, Weasel, Loony, and.. Longbottom," he acknowledges.

"It's been a while," he sneers sarcastically as he sits much too close to his self proclaimed enemy.

The action makes both of their hearts speed without warning.

"Sod off, Malfoy," Harry replies while trying to ignore the weird, most likely angry feeling that absorbs him whenever Draco Malfoy is nearby.

The strange feeling of not being able to breathe stops Harry's thoughts in their tracks.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Hermione asks, obviously intending her tone to be venomous. 

"The war is over," Malfoy drawls, "and you saved my life." He says, turning to Harry.

The angry feeling comes back even stronger as Harry hears how deep Malfoy's voice has gotten.

'Stop thinking about him. Focus on the problem at hand and not how hard it is to think straight when he's this close to you,' Harry admonishes himself.

"We're well aware of that," Ron cuts in, speaking aloud for the first time,
"But what's it have to do with anything?"

"Well Weasel," he says in his completely snobby and condescending voice that somehow remains all too addicting to Harry's ears, "It means I don't have to be the bad guy all the time. Granted I rather enjoy the role as sexy badass, but it's tiresome," he quips.

'Sexy?' Harry asks himself in disbelief at how full of it Malfoy was.

'Not that he's not sexy," Harry thinks before he can stop it.

He can feel Ron struggling to control his inevitable outburst.

Harry slowly clears his throat, all too hesitant.

"What are you proposing?

"A quiet 8th year. A sort of truce.
As long as you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you."

Malfoy stops to take in everyone's facial expressions.

"Am I wrong to assume we've struck a deal?"

Silence surrounds the group, broken finally by Harry himself.


Malfoy nods at the group in the compartment and spins dramatically for effect, a habit he seems to have picked up from his godfather, and leaves with his companions trailing after him.

Harry lets out a breath he'd been unknowingly holding in.

"Do we trust them?" Hermione asks.

"We'd be dumb to so soon," Harry replies, baring his exceptionally green eyes into the door as if it holds all the answers to life.

"Maybe they actually want some peace, last year was hard on everybody," Neville suggests.

"You really do think the best of people, don't you mate?" Ron chuckles, astonished.

Merlin, this angry feeling just won't go away.

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