Chapter 2

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When they all file out of the Hogwarts Express at last, Harry is struck by something rather odd. All of the students, other than a very small group of first years, are staring, shell-shocked at what's to be pulling the carriages to the gates of Hogwarts.

Hermione notices this as well and decides to remedy Harry's expression.

"They've all seen death now."

The statement makes something click in Harry's brain and everything starts to make a terrible amount of sense.
The students are all frightened by the development and Harry, Ron, and Hermione definitely don't blame them.

Thestrals certainly aren't a pleasant sight for most wizards.
Their blank, expressionless eyes lack both color, and feeling. They carry large, leathery wings similar to that of a bat, and their black manes paired with their fangs suited for devouring prey, might be what makes everyone so uneasy around them.
Or perhaps it could be the fact that they are lured by the smell of fresh blood and can only be seen by those that have witnessed death.

These characteristics, coupled with the surprise that the carriages are not, in fact, pulled by only simple magic, makes some of the students even with the bravest of hearts sick to their stomachs.

Hermione pulls Harry and Ron into a nearby, waiting carriage and before either of them can comprehend it, they're off.

The ride to the castle is filled with whispers about the year ahead, though the famous trio's carriage seems to be lost in thought. Many students are wondering who all the teachers will be. However, thinking about new teachers replacing the old makes Harry's stomach clench and his fists ball up, so it's really best to leave the pondering to the others.

They reach the castle and are greeted by the sight of the newly appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts, professor McGonagall, who tells them of the evening plans.

The first years are sorted after their long wait and then the feast begins with a loud clamour as food appears before them. Though the meal is as good as it has always been, Harry's thoughts stray to the strange interaction they all had with Malfoy on the Hogwarts Express. He chews slowly, lost in thought.

Ron nudges him in the rib cage to get his attention.

"Harry, what're ya thinking about, mate?"

Harry's gaze slides over to the Slytherin table where Malfoy is laughing at some second year, and before he can remove it, his look is curiously returned by the boy in question. He quickly shifts back to Ron who is appraising Harry thoughtfully.

"Erm.. just the conversation we had with Malfoy earlier," he answers honestly after a second.

Ron nods and sneaks a quick look at the table across the hall.

"Yeah, that was a bit out of the ordinary wasn't it, Harry?" Hermione interjects, "but what do we know? He may actually have good intentions for once." 

At the boys baffled expressions, she mends her statement,
"Though he is Malfoy, after all."

Ron nods in agreement, "The same slimy git as always."

Hermione smacks his shoulder but Harry doesn't even notice or seem to care.

Not quite knowing what to think about it all, Harry lets his gaze end up back at the Slytherin table a few times more as they finish their meal. 

They skip right through all the first evening festivities and even manage to avoid the people in charge of the bellowing shouts of "First year Gryffindors, Follow me!"

By the time they do get back to their dorm rooms, it's already late and they decide to settle in.

Once the lights are off Harry turns over to face Ron and ask one more thing.

"Do you really think Hermione and Neville may be right?"


"Do you really think Malfoy and his minions may actually be a little different this year, now that the war is over and, ya know, Malfoy's
father is locked up?"

Ron sighs.

"I'm not saying he's changed, Harry, but now that he doesn't have to worry about the dark lord killing his family, maybe.. maybe he's at least going to try."

"Oh. I never really though about his situation like that," Harry replies, the conversation from the train still fresh on his mind as he drifts off to sleep.

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