the lonley man with a blue box

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it was the first day of school I was in London and stopped at the crosswalk that's when a car flew through a light splashing cold, muddy, dirty water all over me. "great just what I need ." I mumbled then I crossed. when I was at school I went to my classes then the bell rang I sighed and put my stuff in my bag my mum will want to here all about it and that's how exactly how it was when I got to the apartment. "so how was your first day?" she asked making dinner she was always making something. "fine." I said "fine, no new friends or anything?" she asked "mum, it was my first day." I said then I ate dinner then I got up "well I'm going to the book store." I said "ok be safe." said my mum she was on the couch watching her favorite show on the telly.  it was raining it was always raining here and I pulled up my hood I saw something following me then I started to run and it ran after me I ducked inside an ally and that's when I saw it a big blue police public call box my curiosity got the best of me so I went over there and knocked twice there was no answer so I tried to open it was locked I walked out trying to forget what I just seen. it had stopped raining and I pulled my hood down and saw the book store. I went and in and bought a book then I saw the café and bought a cup of tea and started reading my book. I got halfway when I saw a guy that just walked in wearing a tweed jacket and fixed his bow tie I continued my book since he was any normal customer like I was but there was something different about him that made my heart skip a beat maybe it was the way he fixed his bow tie of maybe it was the way he looked tall, green eyes, and brown floppy hair.  I continued with my book then he came over " is this seat taken?" he asked he had a slight British accent  "no." I said and took a sip of my tea "you must be Lilly." he said I looked up from my book "how do you know my name?" I said he was eating a Jammy Dodger I continued with my book. "what book are you reading?" he said I looked up from my book and showed him the cover "oh that's brilliant is it a good book?" he said I nodded "what's your name?" I asked him "the doctor." he said "doctor..." I started "just the doctor." he said I finished my tea and stood up "right, well nice meeting you doctor." I said  shaking his hand what a strange man I thought I was walking home when a guy stood in my way "where do you think your going doll?" he said "now we can do this the easy way or the hard way." I told him then three more stepped out of the shadows "called your little buddy's eh?" I said good thing for me I knew karate so there were down and out in a second. I walked home and went upstairs I was really tired so I got my night gown on and crawled into bed I was sleeping when I heard a faint buzzing sound I got up and went to my door then I went out and grabbed the broom I started to swing  "don't hurt me!" said the shadow "doctor?" I said "hello Lilly." he said "how did you get in?" I said "with this." he showed me his tool "I call it my sonic screwdriver." he said and he flipped it and put it back in his pocket "well come to my room were going to wake my mum up." I said then I opened my door "well this is cozy." he  said I turned my lamp on and got in bed then he took off his jacket and his shoes all he was wearing now was red suspenders, black pants, a white shirt, and his red bow tie then he crawled into bed with me I laid my head  on his chest I could here two hearts beating I got up and looked at him "what are you?" I asked "do you really want to know?" he said "yes." I said "well I'm a time lord." he said "a time lord never heard of them." I said "that's because I'm the last of my kind." he said "oh my god how sad." I said then he told me about his people and there was a great big war a time war he called it and they were fighting a race called the daleks and he was the last of his kind. my eyes  were getting heavy I didn't want to go to sleep I thought I might lose him forever but I had to sleep I went in a deep sleep. the smell of my mums cooking woke me up I looked to where the doctor laid but there was no guy in a red bow tie it was all a dream I thought sighing I got up and got dress and went to where my mum was cooking "good morning sleepy head." she said I smiled "how long was I out?" I said. "well I'm going out." I said "ok." said my mum grabbing a peace of bacon I walked out trying to look everywhere for a guy in a red bow tie but I saw normal people doing normal things. I went by the café and saw people but there was no man in a tweed jacket the ally I thought I ran over there but there was no blue box parked there my eyes started to get all watery and a tear rolled down my cheek. get a hold of yourself Lilly your crying over a guy that  you dremt about I thought then I started walking I went to the park and sat down on a bench then I heard a noise I stood up really fast and I ran to the noise then I saw the blue  police public call box then the door opened and out stepped a guy in a tweed jacket and a red bow tie he was real I thought " Lilly!" he said "doctor!" I said back then I went over and I hugged him and he kissed me on my head I started to cry and he rubbed my back like a mother would do to a child. "I thought you left me." I said "hey rule #1 I never leave people." he said wiping a tear from my cheek "so are you ready to go on an adventure?" he asked me "what right now?" I asked "no tomorrow yes right now." he said laughing I walked in the inside was huge "go on do it most people do." he said I ran out and did a circle around it and went back in side "it's bigger on the inside." I said he smiled then in the center there was a bunch of buttons and levers and nobs "so what is this your ship." I asked "its not a ship its a time machine." "no way." I said "yes it's called the TARDIS which sands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space "so where do you want to go?" he said "woah,woah, woah you mean right now?" I said "yes right now why?" he said looking confused "so I'm just going away with a man in a bow tie that I never met before?" "hey bow ties are cool." he said fixing his bow tie then he pressed some buttons and I fell down "sorry should have told you to hold on." he said there was another part coming and this time I held on to something "this is so cool!" I yelled "I know!" he yelled back then my phoned buzzed it was my mum I let it go to voice mail I didn't want my mum to ruin this perfect moment . I had finally found what I was looking for, my lonely man with a blue box.

hey guys just to give you a heads up this is my first book and super excited to do the first chapter I got the idea from a dream and was on my mind then I started writing it and it just came to me so yeah hope you like it vote and comment if you comment I'll try to get to all of them so again hope you guys like it as much as I did thanks :)

-doctorwholover19 "Geronimo"

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