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*March 2011*


I sit huddled on the lid of the toilet seat in the cramped cubicle, hoping that my nose will soon become desensitised to the sickly sweet and sour smell of the girl’s bathroom. I can’t stand the smell of numerous bodily functions masked over with economy air freshener that only makes the smell even more disgusting than it was to begin with, and yet here I am. I have been hiding in here for the past half an hour with my eyes clenched shut, wishing that a secret passage door will magically appear in this cubicle so that I can leave college unnoticed, that way, I won’t have to face THEM. No matter how hard I squeeze my lids together and mouth my ridiculous wishes, no door manifests. I know I will have to go out and face THEM eventually -I can’t hide in here forever, although it feels like a good idea right about now. A part of me wants things to go back to the way they were before, when I was no more than an extra that moved about in the background of THEIR wonderful world…but he changed that. He changed everything.

The ‘he’ I am referring to is my new boyfriend of 4 weeks; Nathaniel Dante Gibson -who is most possibly the most beautiful person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life. Nate is one of those rare treasures; jaw-droppingly gorgeous on the outside and just as amazing on the inside. He’s kind, thoughtful, romantic, funny, and absolutely out of his mind to have even spared a second glance at me, let alone make me his one and only when there are tons of girls that are in the same league as him. He is WAY out of my league; that’s what THEY said.

THEY are Georgia Daniels and her gang of followers; the most popular girls in my college who all pine for the attention of my boyfriend. My being with Nate has planted me on their radar and instantly classes me as the enemy. I haven’t done anything to them, I haven’t even so much as looked at them, but they took it upon themselves to follow me to the bathroom and bitch about me like I wasn’t there while I tried to use the toilet.

Every word they spat while reapplying their lip-gloss, dripped with poison, made to burn me for my crime against the social order. They made fun of the way I dress, my hair, the fact that I am pretty much a loner, and made it very clear that I am in no way, shape or form, good enough for Nathaniel.

As I have never made it my business to draw attention to myself, people never really bothered to pass any sort of judgement on me because I was kind of insignificant, so to hear these girls lash out on me like that made it that much harder to stomach -hence I am still sitting here like a coward.

I didn’t say anything back; one, because how ‘cool’ would I really look hurling insults at someone whilst hovering over a public toilet seat and two...because although I hate to admit it. I believe that what they said about me and Nathaniel being together is true, and that makes it hurt even more. I don’t deserve to be with someone so stunning. We don’t look right together. He is as flawless as a model, while I’m simply ‘the girl next door’.

I don’t think I’m ugly (definitely not as ugly as they claim I am), but I am nowhere near as perfect as Nate. No one was as surprised as I was when his interest in me extended beyond friendship.

As my only real friend at college (and in life in general) is Tyson, when he wasn’t around during my free periods, I found myself in the library to pass the time until he was released from class. Sometimes I did college work, but most of the time I sat down at a small table that faced the window reading Mills and Boon romance novellas. Nathaniel was often in there as well, sweet-talking some poor girl he had brought along into helping him with his coursework.

One day he showed up by himself and planted himself right next to me. I looked up and the first thing I said to him (bear in mind I had never spoken to this boy in my LIFE) was, “I’m not helping you with your coursework.”

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