LORDOSIS Chapter 15

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"Hello," Kaylan whispered as I opened my eyes to find myself in bed. "Are you feeling better?" he asked.

I shook my head. I was feeling worse. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep unable to answer or listen to whatever else is was Kaylan had said.

"She is coming around," I heard a voice say as I tried to wake. My eye lids heavy and my body weak.

"Don't move," Kaylan whispered. "Your infection spread you were out for days. We suspect the edged of the blade were poisoned as the maggots died," he explained.

"Nambi?" I asked.

"The same but as you were cut first you have had the worst of it. She is back on her feet now," he replied.

My stomach growled but I felt sick.

"Here try some sips of this," Kaylan said holding water to my mouth.

"We need to get her some food," Edwards voice spoke in the corner.

"No," I replied unable to face it.

"You must try a little," Kaylan replied.

"I feel sick," I replied.

"Because your stomach is empty. We have only been able to give you sweetened water with herbs to sustain you," he replied.

"I'm tired," I replied even though he had told me I had been unconscious for days.

"Rest whilst we fetch some food," he replied.

I closed my eyes and slept hoping they would not come back and force me to eat something.

I woke feeling something pushed into my mouth. It tasted wonderful. I opened my eyes to see where the chewing noise was coming from it was the little boy. Stood in front of me chewing the skin off a strange fruit and pushing the pieces of fruit he managed to bite off it into my mouth.

"Daddy said this keeps you strong," he said tearing at the skin of the fruit again with his teeth.

"It's lovely, thank you," I said.

"I had to sneak in as they wouldn't let me give it to you," he said and nodded to the bathroom window. He pushed another piece of the fleshy fruit into my mouth with his little fingers.

"What is it?" I asked him.

He shrugged and tugged at the fruit again with his teeth. My hands were too weak to even attempt to help him and my stomach became inpatient and growled.

He smiled and pulled what looked like a piece of hard bread from his pocket. It was a sweet and crunchy. I ate it all and as he heard voices approaching he ran to the bathroom and was gone.

"You're awake," Kaylan said as he arrived.

I nodded gently and met his kiss with a one of my own.

"Where is he?" Kaylan asked as he broke away from our brief kiss.

"Who?" I asked.

"The one who has made your face all sticky with fruit juice and your kisses taste of sweet bread," he replied.

I shook my head and tried to hide a smile.

"He has been trying to sneaking in here to feed you that for two days," he said.

I smiled widely unable to hide it.

"You will let him feed you but not me," Kaylan replied smiling back.

"I'm hungry now," I replied as I was.

"Good, I have soup for you," he replied. "Lets sit you up gently and I'll go fetch it off the table."

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