32 / A Clean Slate

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  • Dedicated to all my sweet readers, old and new.

© an affiniteas 2011-2012 ink on Wattpad

 32 / A Clean Slate

Ever since I woke up, I was slowly getting some movement back in my body. The nurses would kindly assist me, and I'd wheelchair out the hospital to get some fresh air outside. Dr. York told me that I'd be learning how to walk with crutches soon. However, the pain was starting to take effect. Sometimes, I'd get shots of pain coming from my leg or my head. After a little medication though, it would gradually disappear.

Four days after my awakening, I wasn't expecting this particular visitor.

Sitting in the wheelchair, I was taking in the pleasant scenery of the hospital's courtyard. Since it was still August, the summer heat was still present, but it wasn't as hot as it was during June or July. 

I just didn't like being stuck in bed all the time.

"Hey Lockhart, someone is here to see you."

Looking over my shoulder, I already knew that was Harold. 

Harold was one of the registered nurses I met here. Harold called me by my last name, but I didn't mind because hearing "Ms. Lockhart" was getting a little tiring. He was three year older than me, but despite him sounding blunt, Harold was really kind hearted towards the patients and was passionate for his job.

However, my stomach twisted when my eyes caught sight of the person standing next to him. 

It was Bryce's mother. 

She was in her fashionable business clothing. Her expression was stern, and I stared blankly at her for a second before giving them a small smile. Even though I still had mixed emotions towards Monica Valentino, it felt good that I was alive and breathing.

And, so was she.

Harold jokingly saluted me before walking off to another patient, leaving me with Mrs. Valentino. She walked towards me, and for the first time, her cold facial expression softened. Or, maybe my eyes were just playing jokes on me. Being polite, I motioned her to sit in the bench across from me so we'd reach each other at eye level. She listened and took the seat as I gulped down, wondering what she was going to say.

"I see you're doing better, Maisie," she started the conversation, her voice sounding light.

I gave her a quick nod.

"It's not as bad as yesterday, but I'm getting use to it. I heard you got hurt too. Ae you okay?"

Bryce's mother stared at me momentarily which caused all sorts of thoughts to run through my head. That was until she let out a sigh.

"How is it that after everything, you still care about my behalf? That you took the stand to save me and not yourself?"

I replied sincerely, "Because... I'm not the type of person who would want to see anyone hurt. Whatever was happening at the time shouldn't affect my decision to keep you safe."

Taking in my words, she nodded her head and stated, "Right when that happened, it felt so unreal that I was capable of hurting someone like that —"

"The accident wasn't your fault, Mrs. Valentino," I reminded.

Monica Valentino shook her head and insisted, "I'm still the one to blame. I let my history and jealously affect both you and Bryce's future. When I saw you there, completely helpless, I couldn't look at myself the same way. Bryce was always telling me how great of a person you are, Maisie. How you were able to start your family business by yourself, how you managed to help Legends Garden from being torn down... and to be honest, I guess I just couldn't accept it."

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