Chapter 20

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As I entered New Orleans I could feel the hatred and the grief

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As I entered New Orleans I could feel the hatred and the grief. I didn't know what happened, or why, but I knew that relationships were going to end. That friendships were no longer.

"Marcellus," I huffed, walking towards him as he stood just in front of a large tomb stone above the ground, "I'm so sorry."

There sat Davina Claire's tomb. I sighed as he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you for coming."

I nodded as I stood next to Vincent and Kol.

"Even now the words of Ecclesiasticus are ringing in my ears. They're saying, 'Vengeance, as a lion, shall lie in wait for them.'" Vincent grieved, speaking on behalf of the dead girl entombed.

Josh was next to speak, he stepped forward putting his hands together. "A while ago-, forever ago, I told Davina a story about my first boyfriend. But what I didn't tell her was that I had never shared that story with anyone else. She was like a sister and a best friend, and I loved her. I wish-uh." He sighed stepping back as tears fell down his cheek. I smiled slightly as I patted his back to ensure him that it was okay to cry.

I inhaled heavily to speak next even though I hadn't prepared anything for this very Funeral.

"Um. I didn't know Davina that well, but I did know that she was a warrior, she was kind to me even though I wasn't always that kind to her. I hope you find peace, Davina Claire." I softly chuckled. I looked over to Kol who was just next to me, expecting him to speak next but I could tell not many words were going to fall from his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I can't." He shook his head, averting his eyes downwards. Marcel accepted that he was the last one left to speak his mind, pulling a piece of paper out of his coat pocket as he prepared himself. He folded the piece of paper open but when he looked at the words inside they didn't seem to do justice. He crumpled the paper with a huff before looking back up to face her grave.

"Words aren't any good." He sighed.

"The Mikaelsons need to answer for this. I'm gonna make them answer." He shook his head placing a hand on her stone. "I promise." He softly said.

I don't know why I felt it was necessary to attend Davina's funeral first, or even attend at all. I guess you could say my heart was actually working today.

I smiled as I walked into the bar. It was filled with New Orleaners and friends of Camie's. Though Camille probably couldn't care less of who came to her funeral, I still think she would of been pleased. "Niklaus?" I softly said as I walked over to her casket that sat center of the room. He turned around quickly pulling me into his arms. I hugged him tight as I rested my head on his shoulder. I could tell he needed this. I felt he was broken, but anger filled his heart.

"How are you?" I whispered into his ear as I felt eyes on me. He shook his head as he pulled away and returned his stare at the coffin. I stepped beside him as I looked up to Elijah and Hayley staring from the kitchen. I smiled slightly as I rubbed his back. He instantly returned his arms around me once again. This time I felt the tears run down his cheek and onto my shoulder.

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