Chapter 17

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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN | Thanksgiving Dinner

Entering the quarter after a refreshing walk surrounded by music and the smell of flowers, I found myself walking into a completely different room.

Not an ounce of sunshine came through the windows as they all were covered by sheets; candles lit up one room in specific, the dining room. I walked over as I entered the source of light that had revealed that I had been stepping in a red dark liquid that tracked my steps all the way here. I found it dark and bloody.

"I was gone for nearly 30 minutes-, What happened?" I demanded of Elijah and Niklaus who were sitting calmly in seats across from each other.

"Just a little brotherly conversation about the past." Niklaus grinned filling a cup of his blood.

"I politely informed Klaus that I'm not his enemy. Tristan and Lucien are allied against us, a factor of a little persuasion." Elijah replied, blinking his eyes heavily with irritation.

"And so I reminded your husband, who angered them in the first place."

"And after all this civil mess, what understanding did you come too?" I narrowed my eyes, folding my arms across my chest with a frown of my brows.

"That we expose and destroy our first sire." Elijah looked up at me, expressionless.

"Couldn't agree with you more." Niklaus smiled.
"You see, gentlemen know when it's time to call it truce." He says hitting his glass against Elijah's.

Sighing heavily, I wrapped my fingers around Elijah's wrist as I pulled him to our room where I could clean him up from the blood that had spilt through his once injured skin. A motherly instinct.

"So, did you have fun." I sarcastically smiled as I sat above Elijah in the tub.

"Of course, I just love when I can spend time with my brother." He chuckled heavily.

"Sorry about your tux." I sighed looking over at the torn up tuxedo on the ground as I cleaned the dry blood from his chest turning the once clear liquid in the tub to a musty brown.

"It was the tux I wore on our first date." He smirked looking up at me. I chuckled kissing his nose as I finished.

As I put my clothes back on Elijah sat in the bed grinning his little sarcastic grin. Of course he lured me into his bed and took my clothes off. Or maybe I lured him in, but that doesn't matter. I chuckled, walking into the corridor and towards Niklaus' room. As I opened the door I saw Niklaus buttoning up his shirt in the mirror and a girl in the bed.

"You move on quickly." I giggled looking over at the girl. "Aurora?" I frowned getting a better look of her.

"How do you-" She began to say before I interrupted.

"When I used Niklaus' magic." I grinned looking over at Klaus. "I saw every part of his life, every love of his 1000 years" I chuckled. "Aurora, Niklaus' first love, princess and vampire. Nice to meet you darling." I smiled walking back to the door. She glared at me as Niklaus followed. He shut the door behind us as he stared into my eyes.

"I had no intention of you seeing that."

"I don't care who you sleep with Niklaus." I shook my head. "But I wouldn't say she's a keeper." I smiled brightly as I skipped down the hall. Yes, I was a tad jealous that Niklaus lied to me about me being his first love, of course it was actually Aurora, but I have moved on. I have my own beautiful love, and our darling baby.

"Oh Isabella." Elijah smiled grabbing my arm before I passed him in the corridor. "I want you to attend our little Thanksgiving dinner this evening. I have set out an outfit for you, wear it if you'd like." He kissed my hand before walking off.

Isabella Benson Where stories live. Discover now