Chapter Seventeen | Healing

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"My body needs a hero,
Come and save me"


By the end of the week, Dana had regained a few memories, but none of them contained her guardian or any of the other Cybertronian lifeforms that had entered her life. And as much as June wanted to question Dana on who the father of her child might be, she didn't want to add more overbearing stress on her. The girl was already beginning to struggle to accept the fact that her legs couldn't move.

They had tried. Her abdominal muscles were function and allowing her to move up and down, and she could even twist her hips a little bit. But when it came to moving her toes, even bending her knees, there was nothing she could do. At one point, she had strained so hard she began to break a sweat; yet they remained immobile.

Dr. Jefferson tried to be encouraging. The silver lining in her predicament was the fact that she retained control over her bowel movements and other internal organ function. Despite the heavy bleeding and damage, she was healing remarkably well. He estimated that they could take off the casts by the end of the next two weeks, and put her in temporary braces in order to reduce the atrophy of her muscles. He also began to set up a schedule for a physical therapist, encouraging June to help her exercise when she could.

Meanwhile, another man, Agent William Fowler, had also begun visiting her. Despite his initial demeanor, the Agent was very kind and thoughtful to her. He made sure she was comfortable, and was very excitable when it came to her retrieving memories. Out of the three people who came to see her, he was her biggest cheerleader.

Agent Fowler had also updated Ratchet on the grim situation. The Autobot base had been destroyed, but from what the human could tell, everyone had gotten out of the base before then. He suspected that Prime had them bridge out, most likely in separate groups in order to maintain a low profile. Where any of them were, he had no idea.

As much as Ratchet wanted to worry about his friends and comrades, he forced himself to focus on the current situation that he was certain of. Optimus wouldn't want him to brood and worry over something he had very little knowledge about; right now he should remain focused on his charge and her healing.

It pained the medic to receive the terrible updates from Nurse Darby. Her memory loss, her paralysis, and the waiting game when it came to the pregnancy. If the fetus was dead, her body would eventually pass it. If it was alive, then soon the doctor would be able to take an ultrasound, once a bump began to form and she progressed to the fourth month.

But still, they didn't know.

Surprisingly enough, Ratchet also took more comfort in Agent Fowler and his optimism. The Agent was confident that Dana would heal just fine, and that her memory would continue to improve. There was still no indication that she remembered the Autobots, or Decepticons, or that she could recall what had happened that put her in the hospital. She could just recently put faces to the names of her family members, and recall her job at the hospital. But all the answers to their questions still remained out of their reach.

To add to the mystery, June called her parents, both of which confirmed that she was not adopted. And even after heavy hints of Cybertronian existence, they still did not reveal any useful information.

By this time, Dana knew that she was potentially with child, yet she denied ever having a partner, without even being prompted by a question or memory. It was just one of those things she knew. Dr. Jefferson offered to draw more blood in order to take the test, but June Darby was firmly against it until Dana had healed a little more. The last thing she needed was a little less blood.

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