Chapter 24

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Ok, so i switched the way she sees things in this chapter. She will be talking in the present, to make the moment more lively. So im just putting it out there i switched to first person, present. Not first person past. Ok (:


It's the next morning.

I'm tired and I can hardly shake myself awake. I don't feel that great, and I feel almost like throwing up. I notice I'm not even at home, in my own bed.

I try to sit up, but something pushes me back down. "Get off PieFace." I groan through gritted teeth. It's cold, and i'm shivering pathetically. No longer is there any pressure on my stomach, but once i try to sit up again, something holds me down again. I think I hear voices but I'm not sure. I just stay put.

"No, Cassi. Stay lying down. Your not well." I hear a concerned voice beside my 'bed'.

I try to look to the side,l but my head seems to be stuck, like it's glued to the pillow. The stiff uncomfortable pillow that my head rest's on.

I think I actually begin to sob. I'm not sure if it's because of the pillow being hard, or because I remember what happened last night. That turn of events certainly won't leave my thoughts now. No longer will I forget them.

The voice pipes up again. "Cassi, it's alright. Your O.K. Trust me." It was a male's voice that tried to comfort me. I silenced. The voice sounded familiar, honest.

I almost said something, but something made my mouth dry and sticky. I only licked around my mouth and groaned in pain and great discomfort.

"It's Coby," Came the voice for a third time.

Coby? My mind racked itself for memories on the name Coby. Nothing was found. I still did not say anything, not that I was even capable of doing so. I only tried to nod. That was just as painful as all my other actions at this point.

"Just stay still, don't even say a word." 'Coby' ordered me.

It was odd, having some young boy here that I didn't know. Why was he sitting there, caring so deeply for me this way?

"Ok." I actually managed to utter. I felt my eyes wander and squeeze shut, tiredness falling over me.

~Hours later~

I wake up again, feeling fully awake. I want something. Or someone. Not sure what or who.

I manage to speak up though.

"Hello?" I question no one in particular.

There is, somehow, a response.

"Hello, Cassi." A man's voice replies. I'm stunned, and shocked.

"Who are you?" I ask, my mouth and throat still dry.

"I'm Doctor Miles, and I'm tending to your issues." He answers.

I close my eyes.

"My son, Coby, is your guitar teacher. He told me your a nice young lady." He continues.

Again with that name. Coby.

"So, I'm going to ask you to open your mouth, and you will be doing alot now that you are awake. We will do everything in bits, so that it doesn't tire you out, and frustrate you. Is that alright?" He asks my permission. I nod my approval. I think he understands. He slaps gloves onto his hands and tell's me to open my mouth and say "Ahhhh". I do it, and he praises me. I think I smile. I continue to follow his instructions. He examines almost every part of my body, feeling my pulse, listening to my heartbeat, looking in my ears, eyes, nose. He even check's my legs and arms for bruises. He sees me wrists. He mumbles to himself it explains everything.

I think the doctor is disappointed in me for doing what I had done. He thought I was different, I'm sure of it. I wanted him to be happy with me.

I think I might have hurt myself to a point where he actually made the decision that I was going to begin therapy. Him and my mother decided this together. Everyone in my family came to visit. My mother, my grandmother, and grandfather, my aunts and uncles, my nieces, and my nephew.

But something is wrong. Someone is missing. I still don't feel like I've seen the person i wanted so badly to see. Who is it?

I notice TWO people missing. My sister and my father. Where are they? Do they not care I'm hurt? Do they not know perhaps?

I sneeze, and everyone panics. The doctor comes back into the room. "It's alright, that means her strength is returning." He explains, and everyone sigh's of relief.

Why am I here? Why am i being so cared for?

Oh yea.

Just went through that explanation.

I shake my head lightly. I feel dizzy and unhappy. I cry again. I wonder how old i am. What's my name? Cassi? Yes. What do i look like? Am i pretty?

I ponder my thoughts silently for a while, ignoring the sounds around me, the people panicking because of my state. What was the reason for me doing this, they all ask.

Only mom knows, because she's explaining, with tears streaming her sad face, her cheeks red and puffy, and her nose wet. She's trying to be strong for me, she tells them all. I believe her. Or she would be the one in the hospital bed.

I suddenly remember everything. I remember the reason, who I am, why I'm here, where my sister and father are. Everything come's back. Coby is my guitar instructor. I barely remember what he looks like. I don't remember who the criminals are thought. I can't tell my mother from my aunts, my uncles from my grandfather. They seem to all look the same, and I believe I have amnesia for a while. Then their faces mush into their real faces, and I see my uncles and grandfather separately.

My mom is holding something against her chest. The thing is my cat, PieFace. She hands her to me. I'm barely able to keep her from hitting against my chest like the doctor ask's me to do.

"Cassi," A voice calls out to me. But it's nobody in the room's voice. Their lips aren't moving.

I look at my cat as if she is the voice. Knowing full well she isn't, I pretend it was just my imagination. But i hear it again.

"Cassi. Wake up." It preaches. I groan. Everyone stares at me intensely as if I'm dying on them. And maybe I am.

"Cassi. C'mon. Seriously." It continues to try to lure me to whatever place it's trying to lure me to.

"Cassi.." I'm stuck between this thing's world and my own. "Cassi..." It keeps going, voice growing lower but deeper, and longer it drags the word out.

"Cassi, how do you feel?" The doctor ask's me looking panicked, and speaking strictly. "Cassi." He says my name with authority. I try to answer, but it seemed my mouth was sewn shut.

"Cassi..." The voice.

"Cassi!" The doctor. "Don't let her sleep!" He nearly shrieks, and knocks over the table. He's in panic. Although i know it's all wrong. Doctor's don't panic. They stay calm and save lives. They don't knock tables over by accident. They do it when someone dies. They never do that then.

"Cassi.." Longer it drags.

I feel woozy. I don't feel great at all.

"Don't let her sleep!" The doctor repeats frantically.

"Cassi!" My mother yells desperately.

Nobody else says or does anything. They disappear.

"Cassi!" The doctor is impaling.

"Cassi..." It's the voice.

"Cassi! Cassi! Cassi, Don't! Stop! Wake Up! Cassi!" The doctors shrill words scare me. He's to worried about me. Why. Why is he so worried.


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