Chapter 17

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"Yes, we had a cop of yours decieved us." My mother explained on the phone to the Chef. "It was... Officer... Officer Jones. Oliver Jones? Yes. That was his name!" She remembered. I sat down on the couch playing with my hair. Dorrian only looked at the clock, looking somewhat impatient. I looked over at him, and he glanced at me. He looked quickly away. "I'm not sure." My mom said to the phone. I twirled a piece of my hair through my fingers. "Uh.. Yes. Alright." A pause. "Actually, he left about two hours ago." She replied. "Is that so? Are you positive?" She demanded sureness from whoever she was talking to. Dorrian got up and walked over to my couch. "Your mom seems like she might be having some difficulty with this strange situation." He told me, looking over at my clock again. "Yea, I think she is." I agreed. He looked back at me. "I have to go." He suddenly said. "Oh. Why?" I retorted. Dorrian only looked at my mom and the phone, then back at me. "Curfew." He simply said. I nodded, understanding. "Since when does the great D have a curfew?" I said snorting. He frowned and rolled his eyes. "Dunno." He grabbed his black leather coat from the seat he had sat on, and practically ran out the door. "Bye!" I called out. He didn't say or do anything but shut the door and jump into his truck. I played with my hair, looking at my mom once more. She looked nervous. I climbed off the sofa and joined her pacing in the room. "Sure, that's fine." She said. A beeping sound came from the phone, and my mother mouthed "Hold" to me. I gave her a thumbs up, but she only nodded nervously. I smiled, hoping it would help her. I wondered why she would be so worried about this situation. We know the cop lied, and we got help. Why is she suddenly so fidgity? "Mom.." I was about to ask her, just as another beep sounded from the phone. "Yes, hello." My mom said into the phone. I sighed under my breath and went into the kitchen solemnly. I opened the fridge to find a new pack of pudding. I opened it and tore apart a pudding cup from the other. Grabbing the spoon from the drawer, I saw a note on the counter. I raised it to my eye level and read it. On it was inscripted numbers, and the name of our "Lying" officer. I looked closely to the numbers and letters. "Officer Jones' Number. (705)-464-4567. I thought for a moment. My mom suddenly called something to me from the living room. "Honey! The officer was fake. He wasn't real! The Chef never sent anyone by that name or hired anyone either. You were correct! We can sue him, or just get him sent to jail. Or both! Which one?" I dropped the paper, almost about to cry. I ran into the room my mother was in and ran to her arms. The phone fell from her hands. "Mom. The number on the counter..." I whispered. "It's... Dorrian's." I grumbled into her sleeve. Raising my head, i said "I don't know. I dont know what to do."


Hey guys :] Ohhh what a twist, right? xD <3  I dont know what i should do! Should Cassi feel bad for Dorrian, or should she get really mad? Oh geez. I guess we shall find out (:

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