Chapter 20

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I got up, and realized it was summer. I plunged right back into my bed. I couldn't fall back asleep. It was 7:OO in the morning. I plopped my laptop from the ground and adjusted it onto my lap. I went directly to my Facebook page. Status updates from a gang of kids from school.

I scrolled down, and noticed a status update from Dorrian. I wondered if I cared or not at that moment. But I assume I did because i read it.

"Blast with Alexis, Jim, Max, and Mariah at the skating park last night! " was what it read. I felt a twinge of jealousy. How come I wasn't invited to go? He went with two other girls and excluded me? I felt anger nd jealousy mix together. I stormed downstairs, holding my laptop in my hands. I stomped onto the patio on the backyard, knowning that's where my mom would be. She looked up at me and smiled with delight. "Look who's up!" She was about to add something, but I broke her enthusiasm. "Look at this!" I demanded, half asking her to half ordering her to. She looked befuddled but she looked anyways. "Yes so? He hung out with friends. It's good he's getting over his parents divorce." She replied half laughing at me. "How come I didn't get invited?" I then declared hastily. My mom retrieved her coffee from the small glass table beside her patio chair. "I don't know. Maybe they didn't think you'd like the skating park. Maybe they considered your opinion." She murmured. I slammed the computer onto the glass table. She liked at me, obviously not impressed with my behavior. "Sure. They could have asked and I'd said no at least they had asked!" I said as if it was so important. My mom got up, and took a sip of her coffee. "I'll make breakfast this morning. What would you like?" She said. I thought she was mocking my comment so I decided to grab my computer and march back upstairs. She only went into the kitchen and started making eggs.

Looking out my window, I saw my cat suddenly barge through the door. She loved the woods behind our house and always ran out there. Apparently last year she became a outdoor cat. I watched her as she stopped at the beginning of the woods, and then burst into them at striking speed. I wonder if cat's knew people watched them. I wondered if cat's cared.

I walked down the dirt driveway of Dorrian's house. It had been a long, almost hour long, walk to his house. Normally I would get a lift, but my mom didn't want to drive me and nobody answered the phone at Dorrian's. So I walked. My spirits lifted when I saw a car was in the driveway, and they lifted higher when i heard the front door close just as I appeared around the corner to where his house came into view. Very clearly, I could see Dorrian's dog Baxi in the front lawn of his house. She was a huge border collie, and she was 4 years old when they saved her from the side of the highway last year. She learned to become aggresive, and she was just learning to grow out of that habit, and therefor i tried my hardest to avoid contact of anysort with it. But I greeted her as i stepped onto the front step's of his front yard's porch. "Hey Baxi," I muttered before knocking loudly. The knock echoed throughout the house, and someone almost immediately answered the door. Dorrian's dad's face greeted me warmly. "Hello Cassi, come on in Hun," He montionned for me to step inside. I did as i was asked, and took my flats off and slid them onto the shoe mat.

Dorrian stepped out from behind one of the walls seperating his television room from the entrance. You could hear the football game on the tv. "Hey," I said, smiling. Dorrian, on the other hand, didn't actually seem to pleased to see me at all. "Oh hi." Was his meak reply. I wanted badly to just scream at him and have a freak attack. How could he be so pissed with me, when he was the one exlcuding me from his games with his little friends that i never even knew about? How come i didn't go? And why is he suddenly so pissy? I didn't get it. I shook my head, and almost opened my mouth. I only tried my hardest to smile, considering the fact Dorrian's dad was still beside us, hanging up coats and cleaning the entrance.

We were up in his room, only because he decided to go quiet and walk up there. It had been awkward with his dad right beside us, but now it was even more awkward with us being alone. We hadn't been alone in a while.

"So." I finally uttered bravely. Dorrian snorted. "When did you decide you liked guitar?" He asked snarkly. I gasped. "Do you stalk me around?" I demanded, pleating my eyes into slits of anger. He laughed. "I have better things to do." He answered. I rolled my eyes, irratated. "Like playing around with your little friends ive never met and excluding me, and then pretending you didn't know anything, and then getting pissed at me for shit? Come on. Stop the pathetic lies. Just tell me who they were." I asked, this crap was going to far.

Maybe i was overreacting. Maybe I pushed him to far. Maybe, it was the wrong question to ask, and the wrong time to ask it. Maybe i was being paranoid, and stupid. But it set Dorrian off, and he steamed.

Unsteadily, he walked towards me. Attempting to take a step back, i banged into his red wall. "What?" I snarled, smirking as he approached further more. He snikered in return.

""Come on, stop the pathetic lies!"" He mimicked me in a annoying girly voice. I tried to punch his gut but he backed away just in time. "Lame miss," He hissed out. I put my arm and hand down and just glared at him desperately looking for the Dorrian i loved so much. But I couldn't find him.

"Is this anger coming from the fact im cornering you for being with others and ignoring me, or me telling you about your dad? Because it isn't of my fault." I said, guilt leaving my heart. This boy was no longer familiar whatsoever. "And what's wrong with me taking guitar lessons anyway?" I asked, threatening.

"What's the problem with me hanging out with people, without you?" He asked smartly. I spared my breath for a good insult, but no return was given. He pushed me against the wall. "What's your damage, Cassi?" He asked, amused. I shoved him, and i finally spoke. "Cut the crap." I mused.

He came back, closer this time. "Dorrian, stop." I said hastily. He just stood there, hands pressed against the wall, above my head, and his face inches from mine. Somewhat tempting, but not really.

He leaned in even closer, centimeters from my nose. I glared, and he smiled widely. He leaned in, andhis mouth squimmed mine.

I slapped him.

He instively backed away, and rubbed his face. "What the HELL!" He didn't necessarily asked, so I didn't answer. I only ran downstairs, going slower once i reached the bottom so his parents didn's think anything was wrong.

"So?" His dad asked as i pulled my flats back on. I smiled sweetly. "Dorrian hurt himself, so he asked me to leave." And with that, I shut the door, and ran home. my flats barely staying on.

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