Chapter 23

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My computer is currently being fixed because I kinda hit it >.< And, im using my friend's for my writing while I wait patiently. Pardon my tardiness.


Annabelle’s face flashed across our TV screen. The news we had already heard of was now to everyone’s hearing and seeing. Annabelle’s mistake. Annabelle’s predator. It scared us all.

Predator’s like Annabelle’s worked as a team. Usually as two or three.

They lured in their victims. They were smart.

Or we aren’t smart enough.

They usually try to lure more than one person in as a ‘bonus’.

Annabelle didn’t deserve it. No one does.

Annabelle was a good girl. If you leave her drugs out of this.

Because that’s not what killed her.

Her image was one of when she was 12. Her hair was blond. Still is. She had blue eyes. Bluer than her nail polish she wore.

If you saw one of your loved ones flashing on your TV screen, I’m positive you’ll cry if it’s something like this. I’m positive that you will scream and get angry and never cry mercy to their killer’s death. I swear upon this one: You will forget about how nice the boy seemed. You will forget about all the promises people broke to you. You will even forget about your father’s accident for a day.

Her image disappeared but they still spoke of her name.

Maybe my family was cursed with this. Maybe it was our style. The end of a life to begin a new one. Maybe we were meant for this. We were the recyclers of the human race.

Damian’s image was now on the screen replacing my sister’s image. His eyes were dark, his hair black and scraggly. He looked like he was. A Dope.

“…And then he just ran?” One of the reporter’s questioned the other, as I let myself tune into my sounds again.  

Yes. And her body was left somewhere on the mayor’s block of town! How depressingly disgusting..” The second one answered.

The third organized his papers and spoke.

“Two boys, looking for two girls. Annabelle and… Cassi is her sister’s name. They were all dating I just want to clarify. Cassi and... Dorian were a couple. Damian and Annabelle… No. Annabelle was just a hostage.”

“Shocking.” Said the last of the four reporters.

I couldn’t see through my blurry eye vision. I could barely walk now.

Where is my family going?

I climbed and crawled upstairs and  into my room. I landed on my bed, almost about to Skype Dorrian until I remembered the report downstairs, haunting me. Cried harder.

I pulled my curtains closed. I breathed deeply. I swiped everything off my laptop desk and leaned onto it full force. Tipping it over. It landed on my favorite bracelet. Trying to get the bracelet out from underneath it, all of the beads hitting the walls, landing on the floor. I forced more air into my lungs. I found my scissors. I sat down on my bed, scissors facing my arms. I threw the scissors against the wall. I walked around, kicking beads, falling. I ripped all the decorations from my wall. I ripped my clothing out from my closet. Disaster. Hatred. Sadness. Depression. Pills! Grabbed my sleeping pills and some of my mom’s happy pills from the bathroom. All five of the happy pills. All twelve of the sleeping treatment. Already I felt the happy kick in. The tiredness came right behind.

Back in my room. More tears. Pick up the scissors. Feel my heart beat so fast in my chest. More air. More air. More air. More air. More air. Drag the scissors against my wrist freely. Feel the warm blood on my arm everywhere. The scissors falling to the floor realizing what I’ve done. Memories coming up from nowhere. Choked up. More tears. Wrists bloody and stinging with hurt. Memories. Slamming my body against the wall. Blood get’s onto it from my arm. The blood gushes onto the floor. I throw up. I trip over my feet, so tired. Laughing for no reason, scaring my mom as she tries to catch me I throw up on her. She falls down with me. She only stays there. I squirm up onto my bed. I laugh. I cry. I scream twice. I throw up. I throw the covers off my bed.

I fall asleep. I barely breathe. My wrist bleeds.

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