Chapter 19

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I went to the homepage on my computer on the newspaper of our town. I was looking for something to do during summer break, considering the fact summer was starting today. Two months to myself, no school.

Something caught my eye, right away.

"Guitar lessons taught by Coby Dellas. Starting tomorrow, first come first served, and only one person per day. We can arrange schedule tonight, be there! -Coby" It was a different ad that was for sure. But it still caught my eye. Anyways, i was going. I had always wanted to learn guitar since my dad had passed away. Mainly because he had a amazing guitar waiting for me to play it in our basement. He used to play in a band.

Walking in the heat, and dragging the guitar with the case along carefully, I found the place i was looking for. As i opened the door and walked in, a little bell chimmed. I heard a bird suddenly chirp, and from the corner of my eye i saw a little MockingJay, blue as the sky that day. I looked for sights of a human form, but saw none, althought i did hear a voice. "Mai, calm down. I'm waiting for people." came from the doorway in front of me. I knocked on the door. "S'cuse me, im here for guitar lessons?" I said, questionning. A guy immediately opened the door. He was wear a black Beater, and a pair of long skater shorts. He smiled slightly, and waved me in. "Sorry for the bird, her name is Mai. As in, May." He excused. I smiled in return. "She's beautiful, i'll give you that." I politely complimented the bird.

He left and came back with a solid black bass guitar. I opened by case to reveal a plain wood guitar. He snickered. "Sorry, are you the one here for guitar lessons or bass lessons?" He asked. I shook my head. "Not bass, just guitar." I implied the fact i thought it was selfish on his part to not recall who he was teaching. Althought it was just a walk in appointement. "Your not Kelly?" He asked seeming upset. I shook my head "no" once more. He shrugged. "Mira?" He tried again. I laughed and pulled some of my stray hair behind my ear. "Nah." I replied. "But, they're the only ones that made appointements." He pointed out. I laughed. "I thought walk-ins where allowed. My bad, i can go else where." I said, picking my guitar up. He stopped me. "My name is Coby," He told me. "Obviously," I said, trying to get past him. He moved in my way once more. "Stay, i also do guitar." He said, rushing off to get his guitar out. I sat back down in the bean bag i had sat in when i arrived.

"So we can begin to play A cords now, and B and C will come tomorrow. We just need to start and somewhat get to know each other. Like... What's your name?" He said as he played with his guitar strings. I smiled. "My name is Cassi." I answered him, adjusting my guitar on my lap to get comfortable. He nodded. "Alright, Cassi. So, let's play a little. Which songs do you already know? Or what do you know how to play?" He asked me, writing it down on paper. I shrugged. "Minors, and higher notes, and i know A,B,C cords, and I know... Every Rose As A Thorn. You know that one?" I asked him in return. He didn't nod or write anything down. He put everything on the floor beside him and picked up his guitar.

"My mother died of cancer last year and this song was playing on the radio on the drive back home. I decided to make it HER song." He told me honestly, obviously a open person. "Yes im open, you can read me like a book!" He explained further. I only smiled and nodded. "I understand completely. I lost a loved one aswell, couple of months ago." I told him. As long as we were being honest with each other.

We played guitar for two hours, practicing, laughing, and telling more about each other to one another. It's safe to say i had a good time with him.

Returning home, i found Dorrian walking on the sidewalk alone. He was going my way. I ran and caught up to him.

"Hey, Dorrian!" I called out trying to gain his attention. He quickly turned around, and waved at me. I finally caught up, and he slowed down to match my pace. "What's up?" I said in quick breaths. "Just going home." He said casually. I frowned. "Home for you is the other way," I stated matter of factly. He yawned and pulled his hand behind my neck. "You would know," He said winking. I growled. "Whatever." We continued to walk. "Alright, i turn here. Bye," I dismissed him. But he followed. "Dorrian, why are you following me?" I asked him suddenly kinda worried, and frightened. "I'm not, actually." He remarked smirking.

Dorrian turned at a corner i had never known before, and it was odd, because i swear to have never seen him go there before. I found it curious. You can imagined i followed him, right? Well i did.

He went into a house that didn't seem familiar, at all. I don't know who's home it was, but it wasn't his or any of his family's. I decided that I needed rest, and i could ask him in the morning. But i didn't stop thinking about until i got home.

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