11 | Bed and Breakfast

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Your PoV

I yawn, sitting up. As I recall the events of last night, I sigh, glancing at my surroundings.

I thought Donnie would come.

I push away the light covers that are crinkled around my ankles, stretching as I get out of bed. Donnie told me that sleeping in the lab again when I wasn't sick would probably be uncomfortable, so he offered me his bedroom for the night.

I didn't expect him to sleep by himself in the lab... I'm starting to feel bad.

I push open the door, startling Mikey, who was just walking by.

"Woah, (Y/n), I thought you'd be Donnie. Did you sleep together or something?"

He wiggles his nonexistent eyebrows.

I blush. "No, you idiot. Donnie didn't even come in last night."

Mikey looks confused. "Huh. No wonder I just saw him staring," he mumbles, deep in thought.


Mikey waves it away. "Nothin'. Since you're up early, you can help me with breakfast, right?"

I shrug. "Yeah, sure."

I follow Mikey to the kitchen, where he grabs a frying pan from a pullout cabinet, and places it on the stove.

"Can you get the eggs for me?" he asks, pointing me toward the fridge. "How does scrambled eggs and toast sound to you?"

I take out the egg carton and an orange to garnish the plates with. I hand the carton to Mikey and wash the orange, cutting it into paperthin wedges. I find a loaf of bread on the counter and transfer it from the bag into the slots if the toaster, turning the dials to a setting that won't burn it to a crisp.

Mikey hums as he cooks the eggs, then peeps in the refrigerator and pulls out a package of bacon. He lays the slices out onto a baking tray lined with aluminum foil, placing it in the oven.

"Thanks for helping me, (Y/n)," he says, grinning at me. "This was fun. The guys are gonna love it."

"Yeah, it was pretty fun," I agree.

Mikey turns, grabbing a large serving plate from another cabinet, and eases the scrambled eggs from the pan and onto the plate, where they can cool. When the toast is ready, he and I make a team- he butters the toast, which has turned a delicate golden brown, while I shove more into the machine. As the bacon finishes cooking, he moves to the oven to remove it. Mikey takes each strip in a pair of tongs, lying them on a plate, between paper towels to soak up extra grease.

Raph comes into the kitchen as he finishes and sets the baking tray on the stove. Raph looks at Mikey, and then at me.

"What are you two doing?" he asks curiously. "(Y/n), where's Donnie? I thought you two were inseparable."

"Donnie's... I think he fell asleep in the lab." I reply. "He told me to sleep in his room last night, so I'd be more comfortable."

Mikey smiles widely. "Aww, that's so cute! I didn't know Donnie had a soft side like that."

"A soft side like what?" Donnie asks, yawning. He sidles into the kitchen, looking half asleep, with Leo right behind him.

Mikey embraces him. "D, you're so nice."

Donnie smiles sleepily, patting Mikey's bald green head. He sits at the table, and Mikey sets out plates that we can all eat from.

"Is Master Splinter going to come?" I ask, sitting with them, watching everyone serve themselves. Donnie hands me the egg spoon.

Leo shrugs. "Depends," he says offhandedly, biting into a piece of toast.

"(Y/n), did you help Mikey, or did Mikey help you?" Raph inquires. "This is too good to be something Mikey made by himself."

"Hey!" Mikey protests. "It's not my fault that nobody likes my cooking!"

Leo gives him a funny look. "Yes it is," he says quietly. "Mikey, you're the one who cooks it."

Mikey folds his arms over his plastron, shooting Leo a pouty-lipped glare. "So? (Y/n) and I did a good job this morning. Raph just said so himself."

"That you did, little brother," Donnie replies. "Nothing is burnt or combined with pizza. Everything tastes pretty good."

"You guys are, like, pizza freaks or something." I mumble. "What in the world could you combine with pizza?"

"Milkshakes." Leo says flatly. "He did that once."

"And he's the one who likes all the weirdest toppings," Raph interjects.

I fold my arms too, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, right. You guys all eat the weirdest stuff I've ever seen and wouldn't have even dreamed of seeing on pizza."

The boys and I share a laugh. It feels so good, just to be talking and eating with friends.

Nobody is making fun of me.

Nobody is talking behind my back.

Nobody is telling me to die.

And for the first time since I've been here, I completely relax my guard, let myself speak. We seem to talk for hours, cleaning each other's plates after we're finished. We joke about stupid, random things, talk about our lives a little, and just let ourselves go. I don't feel as if I've ever had as much fun.

"Man, I never want to go home," I sigh after a little while, resting my chin in my hands, my elbows on the table.

Leo looks at me, sadness misting his eyes, then glances at Donnie.

"You're all better now," the purple-clad Turtle mumbles. "We were going to take you tonight."


The word exits my mouth like any other exhaled breath, but I suddenly feel like I can't take in another one. My body has frozen up.

"Awwww...." Mikey starts pouting again. "You're gonna keep your promise though, right? You're gonna come by every day... Right?"

"I guess I'll make an exception," I smile, tilting my head to crack my neck. "I had so much fun here. I don't know how I'll ever be able to leave."

Relieved smiles appear on the faces of my new friends, obviously happy with my calmness. Inside, though, I think I can hear myself screaming.

I didn't ever want this to end. I never wanted to leave.

And now I'll be on my own again.

Would I even dare to revisit my original plan of committing suicide?


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