03 | Safe

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Your PoV

The four Turtles are all staring at me, their sharp eyes washing over my figure. I feel their heavily armed gazes judging me.

"I'm sorry," I finally mumble, my eyes glued to the floor.

The one in the blue mask steps closer. "I didn't hear you," he says gently. "Donnie fixed you up, didn't he? How do you feel?"

Donnie grins as I look up at him for reassurance, and find it in me to nervously focus on the blue one.

"I'm Leo," he introduces himself. "I'm sure you know Donnie already, and those two over there are Raph and Mikey."

"I'm b-better," you manage to say, looking away from Leo's soft gaze. "Um... Nice to meet you."

Leo smiles. He looks back at Donnie, who steps forward again. "It's okay, (Y/n). My brothers are harmless. Um, mostly." Donnie pauses, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment as Mikey snickers and Raph grins. "What I mean is that they won't hurt you. You're safe here."

The word safe echoes in my mind, and I truly believe Donnie for a second.

"Don't you have parents?" I ask a moment later. "How will they react to me, hurt and sitting in your... um, lair?"

Donnie winces, looking at Leo. "I've already told Sensei." he responds. "Don't worry, either of you- he said you can stay as long as you need, (Y/n)."

"He musta been in a really good mood." Raph says, walking closer to me. I warily watch each of their movements, hoping they aren't lying about my safety.

"Are you guys Japanese or something?" I ask impulsively. I quickly put a hand over my mouth, hot blush creeping up my cheeks as the Turtles look at me again.

Mikey laughs this time, pulling my hand away from my face. "It's okay! Our father is Japanese; he used to live in Japan with his girlfriend. But then he came here, ya know?"

Raph shoves Mikey aside, who sticks his tongue out in return and defiantly plops down in Donnie's desk chair.

"If you have the chance to meet Sensei," Leo says smoothly, "I'm sure you'd like him. He's a really nice guy, despite what you may think if his appearance."

"Isn't he a turtle too?" I ask quietly, fidgeting as they laugh again.

Donnie touches my shoulder again. "No, (Y/n), he isn't. Our father happened to be turned into a rat."

They wait for my response, uneven expressions on their faces.

"Oh." I say shortly. "Well, it doesn't matter if he's nice, right? He sounds cool."

The Turtles breathe a collective sigh of relief.

"We knew you were chill, (Y/n)." Raph says, leaning against the wall. "You'll like Sensei, and he'll treat you like family, like he does for all our friends. He's not something to worry 'bout unless he's ticked off."

"Raph, that's an unfeeling remark." Leo comments quietly. I've had the feeling that he's been kinda distant this whole time. His eyes are on the floor, where mine were.

Raph sighs again, ignoring him. Finding comfort in Donnie's gentle nature, I turn to him again.

"Will I.... be able to go home soon?" I ask in an uncomfortable tone. Donnie smiles again, but the smile is tipped with sadness.

"Soon, (Y/n)." he replies. "I'll make sure you're better really soon."

Leo suddenly turns to me. "And you aren't going to try and end your life again, are you?"

My stomach twists as I become aware of the heavy weight of what I tried to do.

"No," I answer as truthfully as I can manage. "I won't."

"Good." Leo says, folding his arms again. He leans back on the table next to me, getting back into a comfortable position.

Mikey sits right next to me, not afraid in the least. "Leo, you're gonna scare her," he says, putting a protective arm around me. I bite my lip, anxiety bubbling up inside me.

Instead, Mikey turns his face to me and cracks the biggest grin I've ever seen someone look at me with. Somewhere within me, I find some of the courage to give him a smile back.
Donnie's PoV

After my brothers leave, I tell (Y/n) to get some rest. I'm almost afraid to let her go... For a blissful moment I thought we could just keep her, forever.

But humans aren't pets. And this human happens to be a girl.

What happens if (Y/n) starts to think differently about us? What if she thinks we're monstrous freaks?

What if she thinks I'm lying?

I was honest when I said I wasn't going to hurt her, but I don't know how much truth was to my other statement about her getting home.

Maybe she can come see us once in a while. She has school, you know. She can just come around... Like April. And Casey.

I don't know why April always insists on bringing that creep.

I rest my chin on my fists, totally lost in thought. I steal a glance at (Y/n)'s figure, lying on my table, and watch her chest rise and fall with her rhythmic breathing.
She looks peaceful, and for that I can be happy. I get up, careful not to let my chair scrape against the floor again, and fetch a folded blanket that I occasionally use for all-nighters in the lab.

I hope she isn't used to sleeping without a blanket.

I drape the huge piece of fabric over her small body, making sure to cover all of her so she can stay warm. As I step back to look at my handiwork, (Y/n) shifts in her sleep, puts one hand above the blanket so it rests on her torso, and lets forth a sleepy little smile.

I sit back down at my computer table, resting my chin in my hands again. (Y/n)'s smile is burned into my brain, and I see it as my thoughts drift elsewhere.


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