04 | Danger

951 32 38

Your PoV

When I wake up, I first see the ceiling of Donnie's lab, shaded as if covered in a black blanket.

I sit up, wincing as my stomach growls loudly. My eyes examine the room, drinking in my midnight surroundings as my vision adjusts to the dark.

There's a blanket over my body, and I gently push it away as I get off of the table Donnie had me lying on. My feet are a little unsteady at first, but I soon get the hang of walking again and creep toward the exit of the lab.

On my way, I hear a sleepy sigh, and turn to see Donnie at his desk, his face buried in his muscular green arms. At first, I freeze, wondering if he's crying, but I am relieved when I see that he's just sleeping. I sigh quietly, then tiptoe outside and down a few steps.

I stand there for a few seconds, looking around. It's absolutely silent, and the room outside the lab is huge. There's a tv sitting in a drop in the floor, along with some pillows and a beanbag. A long green screen door catches my eye to the right, and a yellow curtain is slightly hidden from view to my left. I see the exit, plainly resting in front of me, and a darkened hallway directly across it.

My gaze falls on the shower curtain. I see a tall, dark figure slip under it, and my stomach immediately twists as I step back and almost trip over a stair. I compose myself, inhaling deeply as I walk slowly toward the shower curtain.

Who was that person? Are they dangerous?

I stop for a minute to think about this. It's honestly probably one of the Turtles, not some evil overlord intent on killing the family while they sleep.

I shiver. Maybe I shouldn't stick my neck into this.

Eventually, however, curiosity gets the better of my instincts, and I find that my feet have been steadily shuffling toward the curtain almost the whole time.

Cold fingers close around my ribcage, and goosebumps crawl up my arms. I sidle up next to the yellow curtain, noting that it has sewn-on patches and probably isn't the cleanest thing ever. I slip under it, and my hand touches a cool, almost slimy wall, and I hold my breath as I feel about for a lightswitch.

The place is completely dark; no light is coming through to meet my untrained (e/c) eyes. I stumble over my foot and try to grasp the smooth wall to regain my balance, but I end up falling and catch myself with my hands just before my face hits the solid concrete.

I hear shuffling against the floor, so quiet it almost isn't there.

It's coming closer.

Suddenly, a strong hand takes hold of my arm, and I let out a scream that reflects how startled I was and how afraid I am now. The figure loosens its grip ever so slightly, but not enough so I can escape. I attempt to wrench away, but that only hurts my shoulder, and I feel the pain only after I hear it crack.

I scream again, but my assailant quickly soothes me, to my surprise. The voice is quiet and comforting, velvet as it slips through the dark air.

My breathing shudders as I listen, my shoulder burning.

"I am not going to hurt you," the figure assures me. "Step to your left. I'll switch on a light."

In a daze, I obey the person and take a sidestep to my left. Calm light floods the room.

It's a kitchen.

An oven, a sink, and counter space lie below a neon "Diner OPEN" sign, which is still blinking with unforgiving life, and a cement table with a few stools under it sits in front of me. A fridge/freezer with a green pattern on the doors is to my left, only a few feet from where I stand.

The room is quite simple. On the black oven sits a Japanese teapot, boiling water over a flickering flame.

I quickly glance to my right as the figure I hadn't yet seen lets go of my arm, and I almost let out another scream of surprise.

Standing next to me is a seven foot rat in a maroon kimono. I never really considered myself that small, but compared to this guy, I could call myself Edward Elric.

I start to calm down as I remember the boys talking about him in the lab.
This is their father, Master Splinter.

I force myself to smile, feeling sorry for screaming at him. "Um, hi... I'm (Y/n)." I say quietly.

His eyes focus upon mine as I speak, and my insides turn to jelly again. I play with my hands, twisting my fingers as I try not to look away from his careful gaze.

He offers a small smile as well.
"I am sure my sons told you about me," he replies. "And I didn't mean to startle you. Perhaps you would like some tea?"

I swallow, nodding meekly. "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you."

He motions toward the table, and I pull out a stool and sit down. Master Splinter turns back to the counter and gets down two ribbed red and white teacups, and pours the water waiting in the teapot into both. He lifts a sort of whisk from the counter that was resting next to the stove, stirs both cups, and comes back around with the tea in his hands.

He sets a cup in front of me.

I wrap my hands around the warmth emanating from the ceramic cup, and it crawls up my arms, warming my whole body. I take a small sip, half expecting plain water, and am pleasantly surprised when I pick up a distinct Asian flavor.

"Is this green tea?" I hear myself ask. I know that that flavor is traditionally Japanese, but I feel my face heat up as I finish speaking.

Splinter nods, amused. He puts his cup down on the table after taking a sip himself, and folds his hands on top of the flat cement.

"Would you mind telling me, (Y/n)," he begins, looking me square in the eye. "what an innocent girl like you would be doing with suicidal thoughts in her head?"


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