A Chapter of Importance

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OKAY KIDDOS IM ON VACATION RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT SO YOU BETTER ALL FUCKING LISTEN! I am not a self-appraising person, but I think I just had a pretty good idea to really end off this story. The thing is, I was originally planning to make a depressed X reader for all of the turtles, separately, and then that would be it.

Recently, though, I felt that I wanted to do one for Master Splinter too... It will be explained, promise! I plan on writing that after I finish the four boys' X readers. I wanted to make it really cutesy, and my friendo ccceab5 helped me out with the idea. So I'm adding another cutesy thing that applies to this X reader!

What if I made a chapter or two in Master Splinter's X reader about these times when you're dating the Turtles, but a few years or so in the future? Maybe I could make a chapter about a fricking quadruple wedding, who knows! All I need right now is you guys to help me!

If I were to do something like that, I would need a specific name for your character that Donnie dates. Please comment and message me with either your names or some name that you think is pretty! I would also love it if you would comment on names other people chose. I'll make a new chapter when we decide and dedicate it to you if your name is picked!

Thank you all so much!!

Till Death Do We Part (Donatello X Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now