07 | Distrust

817 28 31

Your PoV

It's so blissful...

Just me and Donnie, by ourselves, on our own.

I've never had a boyfriend.

Is this what love feels like?

"Do I sound okay?" Donnie asks quietly, referring to his heartbeat.

I wasn't even concentrating on that anymore, so I push away my thoughts and listen.

A slow, steady beat echoes inside Donnie's chest. It doesn't feel like the drumroll he was using to go along with my heart, but it's comforting and calm.

"You sound good." I tell him. "Like a drum, kinda."

Donnie laughs softly, and his chest vibrates as he breathes. This lets me hear a new sound- one that sounds like an echo of a very soft vacuum, in and out.

"That's my lungs," Donnie points out to me, between breaths. Interest creeps over my face, and I smile.

"Cool," I respond. "Is this what I sound like?"

He nods. "Similar to it, anyway."

Donnie presses his hand against my forehead again, stepping closer to me, so that I can comfortably rest my head on his chest again. I smile, his warmth penetrating my chilliness.

"How did I sound?" I ask, imitating his question to get out a small conversation.

Donnie smiles. "Good," he responds. "You sounded healthy. If you want, we can return you to the surface within a few days."

Something about this makes my heart sink. I hadn't realized, in my muddle of suicidal thoughts, how much I missed my family. How much I missed their faces, their voices.

Something in my eyes must have let Donnie in on how I was feeling, because he pulled back a little and gently removed the stethoscope from my ears.

"Or, you know, whenever you want," he mumbles, trying to correct himself. "Sorry, (Y/n).... I'm not myself right now. Just forget what I said, okay?"

"Why?" I ask, confused. "What's going on, Donnie? Can I help?"

Donnie smiles sadly, his eyes passing over my paled face for the millionth time. "No, Angel, but thanks for asking. Oh god... Can I call you Angel? That kinda just slipped out...."

I find myself liking the new nickname. Nobody has ever called me that before, not so fondly after we'd just met.

"No, don't be ashamed. That's fine," I tell him. Swinging my feet casually, my heels softly banging against the table, I ask Donnie to just sit with me for a minute.

He sighs, wrestling with a smile of sorts, and complies. "I have to get back to work, (Y/n)," he jokes, "but I guess I can spare another few minutes..."

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask plainly.

Donnie shakes his head. "I mean, if you want to do something else, that's fine, I guess..." he mumbles. "Um, but I'm fine with your company, i-if that's what you mean."

I shrug. "I'm fine with anything."

"Aww, yeah!" I hear Mikey shout outside the lab. "Time fo some Super Robo Mecha Force 5, yo!"

Donnie's eyes half close. "He's going to come in," he says to me.

Mikey throws open the lab doors, parading inside. "Heya, (Y/n)! Why don't ya get out of the dark lab for a while and come hang out? Bet you're bored with Donnie, right?"

"Actually...." Donnie begins to protest, but he cuts himself short.

I glance at him for approval. "Would you mind if I got up? Um, I think I need to move around a little... Why don't you come too?"

Donnie shakes his head. "Thanks, Angel, but I've got work to do. I'll join ya in a bit, mkay?"

I nod, slowly, my gaze uneasily traveling to the floor. As I get up, Mikey lets out a loud whistle. "Yeah!" he shouts, taking a hold on my hand and leading me to the drop out in the common room. We sit down, and he flicks the tv to life with a simple grey remote.

A cartoonish anime group fills the screen, proclaiming its wonder and Mecha-ness.

Mikey grins, starstruck by the program already.

I glance back at the tv, trying to concentrate on the tv show and stop thinking about Donnie.

As the program comes to a long-awaited close, Mikey turns to me.

"Wanna watch another one?"

I smile weakly. "Uh, maybe another time... Donnie and I... I mean-"

Mikey serenely interrupts me. "You and D got somethin' going already?"
He grins.

I feel my face growing hot again. "N-no... I just didn't really want to leave him alone, you know? Um, I know him better than I know you guys, too... Where are Leo and Raph, anyway?"

"Leo's probably in the dojo," Mikey says, pointing a nondescript thumb back toward the wall covered in the green screen doors, "and Raph might be in his room with Chompy."

"Chompy...?" I ask slowly. "Who's that, his pet?"

Mikey laughs. "Yeh, his pet fire turtle! We got him from space, (Y/n), it was so cool. His mom fell into a supernova and we thought she was dead! Soon after we came back to earth, his mom, Tokka, came across all those galaxies to get him, and guess what- he's still here!"

"You went to space?" I inquire, looking back down at my lap. "Riiight...."

"It's true," a voice behind us says. I startle, jumping to my feet.

Mikey grins, pulling my hand in a motion to have me sit down again. "It's just Leo, (Y/n). Don't worry- he and Sensei seem to have a knack for doing that."

Leo ignored Mikey's comment, sitting on the floor close to my other side.
"How are you, (Y/n)?" he asks politely.

I smile a little. "Donnie says I'm pretty healthy... He told me we could go back up to the surface in a few days."

"A few days?" Raph repeats, entering the common room from a hall to our right. "Sheesh, that's a long time."

He steps down into the drop, putting a roughened hand on my forehead.
"Ya look fine to me," he says, petting a magenta-colored turtle with a spiky purple shell on his shoulder.

"It's Chompy!!" Mikey says happily, reaching with long arms toward his brother. "Let me hold him! (Y/n) really wants to see him!"

Raph holds the turtle away from Mikey's outstretched hands. "If (Y/n) wants to see it, I'll give it to her," he says distrustfully. He sets the little creature in my cupped hands, telling me to be careful. He sits between Leo and me to keep a close eye on his pet.

I hear the scraping of the lab door behind us, and turn in hopes to see Donnie, but all I catch a glimpse of his the back of his shell before the doors slide shut.


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