06 | Bonds

874 31 21

Your PoV

Donnie and I talk quietly all the way to the kitchen, and as we near the patched yellow shower curtain, he lifts it up for me, enough so I don't have to duck under it to enter.

The other boys are already in there, yawning over blueberry waffles. Leo and Raph sit at the table while Mikey leans over a waffle press that's situated atop the stove.

"Come and get it!" the orange-clad Turtle sings loudly, flipping a waffle from the press onto a plate that's sitting beside him. He picks up the plate and whirls around, pausing abruptly as he sees Donnie and me.

He greets us with a wide, welcoming smile. "Hey, D! Hey, (Y/n)! Come and have some food!"

Donnie and I sit down at the table across from each other, and Leo sleepily focuses on me.

"You feeling better?" he asks quietly.

I nod, looking back up at Donnie. Mikey sets a steaming waffle in front of each of us, as Leo and Raph already have theirs. Butter, syrup, and chocolate sauce sit on the table near my plate. Mikey sits next to Raph and Leo, at the head of the table, as the next waffle cooks a few feet away.

I glance at Donnie for approval, and he smiles, encouraging me. I reach for the butter knife, spreading the melty yellow substance over my speckled waffle. Donnie follows my lead, giving us both a generous amount of maple syrup.

I use the side of my fork to cut into the waffle, and carve out an awkwardly square piece. I savor the nice smell for a moment, until my stomach growls again, reminding me that I haven't had anything to eat for a while.

Leo smothers a smile, and Mikey laughs outright at my grumbling stomach. He has to get up again after a moment, to check on the upcoming waffle.

I eat a few more pieces, drink some water, and glance up again.

"You're a good cook, Mikey." I say quietly. Mikey tosses his head proudly, smirking at his brothers.

I have one more question, though.
"Where's Master Splinter? Um, your dad?"

"You're interested in meeting him?" Raph asks. He shoves another piece of waffle into his mouth.

I decide not to tell them about last night's excursion. My heart hammers in my chest when I think about Master Splinter's careful red eyes, his strong grip. I feel silly thinking him an assassin at first.

"Um... Yeah, why not?" I hear myself murmuring. Better to get it over with sooner than later. "How come he isn't eating with us?"

The boys shrug.

"He's prolly meditating," Mikey says, his mouth stuffed with waffle, "ya know, in the dojo."

I sip some more water. "Are we going to go see him?"

Leo dismisses my curiosity. "He'll come out on his own."

"Oh." I say. "Um, okay."

"Drink some more," Donnie urges me.

I sip the water, rolling it over my tongue so it refreshes my entire mouth. I hadn't realized how hungry and thirsty I was.

I finish the waffle.

"(Y/n), you want some more?" Donnie asks, already getting up to get thirds for himself.

"Just a little bit," I reply.

Just like that, the conversation was over.
Donnie's PoV

As soon as we finished breakfast, I led (Y/n) back to the lab so I could finish my exam. She kinda stood in the doorway for a moment, unaware of her surroundings, until I put a hand in her shoulder the way I've seen Leo do.

She glanced back at me over her shoulder, and followed me to the table I'd had her on before.

"Okay," I say, getting back into this frame of mind. I take a quick look at a clipboard I'd been keeping on hand, which held results of monitoring her health since she'd appeared. "(Y/n), I want you to lie on your stomach and relax for me."

She sits up on the table and does as I instruct, keeping her right arm at her side. (Y/n) turns her head towards me, using her left hand as some sort of support under her chin.

"Keep your arms at your side, (Y/n)... There ya go." I murmur. She complies, her cheek resting against the cold surface of the table.

I gently probe her back, feeling for injuries, before I move to her shoulder. Massaging the area to calm her muscles, I reach under the collar of her shirt to take away the brace. My fingers brush against the bandages I left there to stabilize the brace, and I feel (Y/n) freeze up.

"It's gonna be okay," I say to her as calmly as I can manage. As I remove the brace, I unwrap the white bandages as well.

"You shouldn't need them anymore," I tell her. I put the discarded items next to my computer, so I can clean and store them for future use later. "I want to see how your shoulder functions without stabilization for a while, and if necessary, we can put them back on."

(Y/n) looks up at me again, her deep (e/c) eyes content.

"Thanks, Donnie." she says, her voice fluttery and soft.

My chest burns internally, but I don't feel any pain. I manage a smile.

"Uh..." I stammer. I suddenly can't set over her smile. "A-anything bothering you? That you'd want me to look at?"

(Y/n) holds her gaze, watching me with those mesmerizing eyes. "I don't think so..." she says. "But it was fun when you listened to my heart..."

Scarlet blush paints her face, and she tries to hide behind the sleeves of her shirt. "Sorry, Donnie.... That come out awkwardly..." She chokes on her words, embarrassed to no end.

"(Y/n), do you want to listen to my heart?" I hear myself ask quickly.

(Y/n)'s head pops back up.

"Um, y-yeah!" she says, seeming excited. "Oh... Yeah, that would be cool." Still flushed, she presses her hands into her thighs. "Would you let me?"

I can't help my smile now. I clean off the hearing ends with an antiseptic wipe, and gently position them in (Y/n)'s delicate ears. She presses the wide end to my plastron, and I place my hand over hers, guiding it.

Her hand is silky and cool, contrasting greatly with my green, roughened-from-lab-work hand, but she doesn't seem to mind.

(Y/n) settles her head on my plastron, comfortable and content in my presence at last.


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