10 | Jalapeños and Jellybeans

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Your PoV

Donnie, Leo, Raph, and I sit in the kitchen, talking and joking with each other. We're waiting for Mikey, who was supposed to be bringing dinner.

"So, what did we even order?" I ask, impatiently bouncing in my seat. "Is it something I like? Is it something weird?"

"How would we know you like it?" Raph says sarcastically. "You've only eaten, like, two meals with us. We have no idea what you like. We're doing this for ourselves, (Y/n); you can have the leftovers."

"Ra-aaph!" I whine playfully. "I just want to know what kind of pizza we got! Is there even cheese on it? What do turtles eat, anyway?"

"Turtles derived from lakes eat things like algae and worms," Donnie says, "and ones that come from the ocean eat little creatures like plankton as well as algae."

I make an ick face. "And where do you guys come from?"

"I suspect we're derived from a type of river turtle, but in our current forms, we may not be able to find out." Donnie grins. Leo and Raph laugh at my expression.

"I don't want algae-and-worm pizza! That's gross!" I reply.

Leo shrugs. "Don't knock it until you try it, (Y/n). It's not like we ordered something like moldy algae and worm gut pizza."

"Gross!" I shriek. "Is there something else here besides instant noodles? I'm not eating algae and worms! What about your dad? Does he eat it too? I might just go into the dojo and eat with him!"

The boys laugh loudly.

"Sorry, (Y/n)..." Raph says, finally drawing in a breath. "We just had to see the look on your face."

I sigh, relieved. "Okay, I was worried for a second. I mean, how can you ruin pizza like that?"

"Yeah, our pizzas are all covered in habanero peppers, marshmallows, bananas, and chocolate sauce tonight." Leo says.

I rest my head on the table. "Do you guys eat anything normal?"

"What defines 'normal'?" Donnie asks.

"You know- a balance. Um, fruits and vegetables? You sure eat cheese a lot. Rice, grains... I dunno. Look at the food pyramid." I respond, somnolently picking up my head, staring at them with my (e/c) eyes halfway closed.

Donnie, Leo, and Raph exchange glances, then shrug at me one by one.

"Do jalapeños count?" Raph asks, his voice low. Leo swallows a giggle, letting out a quick pfft noise instead.

"Are you guys drunk or something? You're acting weird, like you're hyperactive on sugar or something." I say accusingly, putting my hands on my hips.

"Must be that coffee we had." Raph admits. "We're not drunk. None of us are legally old enough, and Master Splinter is way too careful to keep alcohol in the lair."

"Yeah, you kidding?" Leo says. "He'd never let us drink. He didn't even allow us to go up to the surface until we were fifteen, and that was almost a year ago."

"I guess I don't need to worry, then." I say, slightly relieved.

Mikey slides into the kitchen, loudly announcing the incoming meal. A stack of checkered pizza boxes, their undersides soaked with grease, is slammed into the table, making our glasses of water jump.

Donnie sifts through the boxes, then sets one in front of me. The other boys look at me expectantly.

Raph wears a knowing smirk.

I study the pizza box, my finger inching toward the opening. My nail slips under the cardboard semicircle, and I flinch as I open the box.

I open one eye.

"What did you guys do to her?" Mikey asks, his mouth full. "(Y/n), I thought you said you were cool with pizza."

I exhale. This particular pizza box holds nothing but cheese and (fave topping). "Your brothers are a bunch of dickheads," I say in mock frustration. "They made me think that the pizza would have a bunch of weird toppings on it."

Mikey waves the slice in his hand at me. "Habaneros, chocolate sauce, marshmallows, and bananas not good enough?"

I look at the other boys, dumbfounded.

Leo wasn't joking.

Donnie's PoV

"(Y/n), uh, how was dinner?" I ask, pulling open the door to the lab for her. "Did you like it?"

"I was definitely surprised," she replies.  "I had no idea you ate jellybeans and jalapeños on pizza."

I smile. "It's pretty tasty. You should try it."

She shakes her head, her lustrous (h/c) tresses flinging the smell of (fave scent) into the tasteless air of my lab. I breathe in the smell as it meets my nostrils. It's the most heavenly thing my nose has detected yet.

"No thanks," she says, bringing me back down to earth. "Spicy things are okay, and sweet things are okay, but only when they aren't mixed together. Especially on a pizza. I can't believe you ate that."

"Aww, that's no fun." I say, sitting on the edge of my computer table. (Y/n) sits with me. "You gotta try stuff, be adventurous. How will you know you don't like different if you won't try them? What if you regret it in later life and never have the chance to try it again?"

"I think I'll be able to live without trying mushrooms, MnM's, and ham on pizza." she retorts. "You have strange tastes."

"You have strange tastes," I repeat.

She frowns playfully. "No, you have strange tastes, my Renaissance Turtle friend."

We laugh softly, and her hair brushes my skin as she shakes her head again.

"You're like a jalapeño," I say. "Once I got to know you, you got spicy. You're a jalapeño child with a spicy attitude."

"Then what does that make you," (Y/n) responds, "something sweet?"

I shrug. "How would you describe me?"

(Y/n) thinks for a second. "Well, I guess you are kinda sweet. You're nice to me, and quiet. You're kind of like... Like a purple jellybean. 'Cause you wear purple, ya know?"

"Would you try a pizza with jalapeños and purple jellybeans then, sometime?" I ask.

She gives me a push, laughing. "You just did that so you would have a pizza for me to eat."

"No, I didn't." I protest. "Sometimes opposing or strange things can make a good couple. Food."

I hastily correct myself, hoping she didn't catch the wrong memo. Woah, Donnie.

(Y/n) doesn't seem to notice. She swings her legs, her heels gently hitting the table.

"Maybe someday," she says. "Maybe someday I'll try us out. The pizza will stick us together with its gooey cheese."

Scarlet quickly dyes her face, and her eyes widen. "Um, I-I didn't mean anything like that... Let's just forget this. Please."

I rest my head against (Y/n)'s, which bobs next to my shoulder. "It's okay, Angel." I reassure her. "I get you. It's cool. We're cool."


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