13 | Down

654 27 37

Your PoV

"So you can't come get me?" I ask into my phone, desperately keeping my voice steady. "Mom, how am I supposed to get home?"

"I don't know," my mom replies, sounding flustered. "Ask one of your friends for a ride, or you could walk, I guess. Take the subway. I have to go now, Kiddo... I'll see you at home."

I say goodbye, sighing hopelessly as I slide my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. I wouldn't dare ask someone I knew such a bold question; how would they react?

As soon as I my fingers release the cover of the device, it vibrates with an incoming call. I sigh again, more forcefully, and pluck it from my pocket, pressing the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask.

"(Y/n), what's up?" a familiar voice answers. "You need a ride?"

A smile spreads helplessly over my face like peanut butter. "Um, yeah. Actually, that would be great, Donnie."

I start to walk out of the school, deep in conversation. "Where are you?"

"Okay, walk to the curb. I can see you." Donnie replies. "I don't want anybody else to see me, so can you get in quickly?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I say. I stand at the curb. "Do you have some funny subway car here? I don't see anything out of the ordinary."

"I'm pulling up right now," Donnie says mysteriously.

A dark purple car slides up alongside the curb, the sleek body style glinting against the afternoon sunlight. The windows are tinted almost black, so you can't see inside. I take a step back.

Donnie's Corvette hadn't looked this stunning two days ago, when I'd seen it last.

"Are you going to get in or not?" he asks, his voice higher than normal when the phone wasn't pressed to my ear. "You're just standing there, Angel. The guys are expecting us in, like, five minutes."

I open the door to the passenger seat and sit down inside, quickly shutting it behind me.

"Donnie, it's so beautiful in here," I murmur. "It's breathtaking. How did you make it so nice?"

"Believe it or not, I made this entire vehicle from stuff I found in a scrapyard," he admits. "I shaped the metal and welded it together, and made then engine from a bunch of spare parts."

"The vinyl...?" I say, questioningly raising an eyebrow.

"Oh." Donnie waves a hand at me. "That I ordered online. I couldn't have crappy vinyl or seats in my perfect new ride."

I sit back, watching him pull out of the parking lot.

"How was your day?" he asks softly. "You can put your backpack in the backseat if you want, don't hurt your legs."

"You mean don't get footprints on your upholstery," I correct him playfully. "My day was fine, thanks. Nobody really paid any attention to me."

"Is that good or bad?" Donnie inquires, stopping at a red light. A stream of people walk past us, determined to get to the other side of the street before the light turns.

I smile a little at a straggling old lady. "It's pretty good. I'd rather be in the background than at the center of attention."

Donnie turns to look at me.

"Um, how has yours been?" I ask, feeling my face heat up.

He smiles, glancing back at the road as the light turns green. "It was all right. We trained with Sensei a bit before I came to get you. It's kinda quiet down there now; it's lonely without you."

"They miss me?" I repeat.

"Of course!" Donnie says. "We all did, even Sensei. Everyone thinks you're cool, (Y/n)... Didn't you miss us?"

I nod vigorously. "Yes, I really did. I had to eat lunch from school today... I guess I never really realized how bad it is. You guys were pretty good cooks."

"Ramen?" Donnie responds skeptically.

I laugh, recalling the carcinogenic grilled cheese sandwich. "Yeah, Donnie, even something like ramen. Cooking that stuff is an art."

"Then you think I'm the... I don't know, some kind of ramen master?"

"Yes!" I cry. "You're Donatello, the renowned ramen master chef and pizza fanatic!"

We both share a laugh, and I suddenly ache to be down in the lair.

"You left out the part about the jellybeans," he murmurs. "Jalapeño and jellybean pizza tonight, Angel."

We both start to calm down, and my phone buzzes with a text from my mother.

4:31 pm
(Y/n), I'm really sorry I couldn't come get you. You know how the hours are here at the hospital- I promise to make it up to you.

I smile secretively. Donnie leans over, his eyes still on the road, as if he was going to sneak a peek at my texts.

"Who are you talking to, (Y/n)?" he asks, fake suspicion in his voice.

I push his face away. "My mom, Donnie."

He grins, sitting up straight again. "Just making sure," he replies nonchalantly.

I text her back, thanking her and telling her I'll be at the lair tonight.

4:33 pm
Thanks mom! Don't worry, I got a ride from a friend. I'll be at their house for dinner tonight, okay? Be home by nine.

She replies swiftly, and I'm surprised at how she was waiting for my answer. She must have been worried, but all she said was okay.

I put my phone away, grabbing my backpack again as we pull into an alley.

"Hey, relax." Donnie scolds me. "Sit tight, we're not getting out yet. I haven't even stopped the car, silly."

I sit back at his word, bewildered.

"How did you even get out of the sewers in this thing?" I ask. "Wh- Donnie, did you steal this?"

"No," he replies, as if it was a ridiculous question. "What kind of idiot would leave his keys in a Corvette? I told you I built this, (Y/n). We're going down."

"Are we in an elevator?" I inquire stupidly, confused by the whole thing.

Donnie shakes his head, pressing a button on a remote. A hatch in the pavement opens up in front of us, simultaneous with my jaw hitting the floor.

"I didn't know you were that hungry," he jokes, pulling into the hatch and down a steep ramp. We cruise gently through the sewers, which turn dark again as the hatch automatically closes behind us like a garage door.

I'm once again under the foot of normal humans, literally.


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