Prologue (Part 1) - Julio

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WARNING: This is a clichè fanfic, even though I'm going to try to make it not clichè. Just imagine this is you or something and you'll be fine.

~Kerri xo~


"Wwwwwwwhat's up guys, Tomahawk here, back with some more Minecraft Survival Games. We're playing B-Bree-FUCK!"

"Man oh man, you really need to get your intros together. Oh and by the way guys, we're playing Breeze Island," Graser said, laughing.

"Oh, I know," I answered sarcastically. He laughed as the map started. I got iron boots and leggings, a stone sword, an iron ingot and two apples from Corn.

"You got anything good?" Graser asked once Corn was cleared, and the games had begun.

"Pretty good, I guess. Some armor, a weapon, iron and food," I answered.

"I have a stick and a leather helmet," Graser laughed.

"Where are you?" I asked.

Graser took a few seconds before answering, "At Corn. Meet me here."

I was just outside corn along the waterside, so I killed a guy named BudderSandwich (A/N: No idea if anyone has an account with that name xD), took his iron chestplate and bow, and ran to corn, where Graser was fighting off a random guy with a leather chestplate.

"I see you! I'll take the guy out from behind." I suddenly said, before taking out the guy with poor armor. He died within two hits, so it appeared that Graser did some pretty good damage on the guy, who had a Steve skin. I collected his stuff, and he had an iron helmet and boots. Why he wasn't wearing it is confusing to me.

"Graser, why don't people wear the armor that they have? This guy had a frickin' iron helmet and boots and he wasn't even wearing it! Guys, don't be stupid like this." I raged. He laughed.

"Want the boots?" I asked. He answered yes, so I gave him the boots out of my hotbar, and we were off on our merrily way.

"I need food. I NEED FOOOD." Graser complained. I threw an apple at him, and he chomped on it, as I did with mine.

"Let me get this chest and then we'll head to the ship." I said, and headed to the chest that was under the towel on the beach. Surprisingly, it wasn't looted, and I got another stone sword, another iron ingot, two pieces of chicken, and pumpkin pie. I was surprised by the fact that it was three minutes into the game and we were already able to craft an iron sword.

"Hey, can I have your stick? I got another stone sword. Here." I gave him the stone sword, and he gave me his stick.

"Can we quickly go to Corn so I can craft an iron sword?" I asked. Graser said yes, and we headed back to Corn. I quickly crafted a sword and we were on our way. Before we got to the ship, Graser found a chest and got chain leggings and a gold helmet, along with food and arrows. He had full armor, but I had full iron armor.

"I think there's someone in the boat." I zoomed in my screen to confirm my suspicions.

"Yep. Since there are a lot of chests in there, I think that person might have good stuff." Graser said. We agreed to crouch and sneak attack the person to get first hit.

It turned out that the person had already a lot of damage taken for whatever reason, so when I hit the person (who had full chain armor and an stone sword), they died with three hits, but they got two hits in on me and a couple on Graser, so we were down a couple of hearts. I ate my chicken and Graser ate an apple that he had picked up. We collected the guys stuff and I gave Graser the other stone sword, and he took the armor. He then had on a chain chestplate and helmet, and iron leggings and boots.

"There are five people left." I suddenly said, after checking the tab bar. "If we can kill two more people, it will be instant deathmatch."

We decided to go back to Corn (for the, like, tenth time, I know), considering there might be people there, waiting for refill.

"We'll enter in two different ways and take them out." Graser said once we saw two people in Corn, camping out. It looked like they were teaming.

"Got it." I replied. I went right and Graser went left. I started hitting one of them from behind, and lucky for Graser (not), the guy that he was hitting had full iron armor, whereas my guy didn't. Within two seconds I heard thunder and Graser screaming, "NOOO!"

"Damn." I said, trying to retrieve the stuff while getting double teamed. I killed the guy with the awful armor, which meant that there was 60 seconds until deathmatch.

"You better win this, Tomahawk." Graser warned me.

I started to hit the guy with the full iron armor, but he typed in chat, "Wait until deathmatch? Pls i fan"

"K," I had typed back, because I just felt like it, and I ate an apple to be able to regenerate health. Graser was rambling on about how that guy was hacking and I agreed. He was able to shoot an arrow while sprinting. I noticed that the third person was camping out outside of Corn. Ignoring it, deathmatch started, and Graser was cheering me on. I laughed as deathmatch started, and I took out the third guy with arrows, and once that happened, the other guy and I started fighting to the death. I got more hits in, killing him.

I had won, and the fireworks went off.

"Yessss!" Graser yelled, and I laughed, doing a victory dance in Minecraft.

The server brought us back to the lobby, and I realized that it was time to do an outro.

"Anyways - no, anyWAY, because anyways isn't a word - I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of MCSG with Tomahawk and Graser and hope you guys have a nice day please. Braaaahhhh!" I went crazy with my mouse and ended the recording.

"That was such a short recording." Graser claimed.

"Yeah it was. Got to go, though. It's eleven by me and I have to finish my Spanish project." I replied, saying goodbye.

"Goodbye, my fellow friend." I laughed at his response, said goodbye, and ended the call.

Before I finished the last few touches on my Spanish project, I shut down my phone and went on Twitter. Replying to a few tweets, I saw a few that stuck out to me.

"@ThatOneTomahawk you should check out @ThatStubbornBiotxh"


Before I could look into it, my mom's head popped into my room.

"You're still up?" She asked.

"Since when am I not up at eleven at night on a Friday?" I joked.

She laughed. "Julio, don't go to bed too late. And finish that Spanish project." She got serious again.

"Got it." I replied. She shut the door and I went back onto my phone, rolling around in my chair. I decided to check this girl's page out. Well, I've heard of her before because people like Graser and Bee record with her, but I've never seen a video with her in it. All I knew was that her name was Brooke.

And that's when it all started.

My name is Julio Gonzalez, and I think I might love a girl who is so stubborn your head will explode.

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