Chapter 1

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It's the second chapter where some things go down hope you like it


10 years later...

It is gonna be 11 years in a couple of months. I am still coping with what happened on that night I cried for the first 2 days straight after it happened. The adoption centers moved me a lot I was first in Colorado then I was sent upstate to Wyoming I stayed there for 2 years then got sent to somewhere in Idaho then I was sent to Oregon then I was sent to Seattle, Washington where I'm currently at. I would only talk if I had to but besides that I never talked or did anything. If you ever wanted to find me I would be in the art room it was always stocked and nobody ever came in so it was my sanctuary. The art room was full of every painting I've done since I got here. The donors lost their son in an accident and they wanted the kids here to find good homes they were rich so we had an art room, library, and playground with everything you'd need. I painted my family in their wolf forms, or the forest I grew near, my house that I loved, and then I painted the lake that was near our house.

"Paige please come and meet the people here looking to adopt." Ms. Jenny asked. Ms. Jenny is really nice but she and I both knew that I wasn't gonna be adopted I was just going to wait until I was old enough to leave this place.

"Ms. Jenny I'm 15 you and I both know that I won't be adopted. If there is a family looking for an older child I'd appreciate it if you could send them in here. I have been in adoption homes since I was 5 years old and nobody has even considered adopting me. When I'm old enough I am gonna leave and become a writer and write my story or become an artist." I told her not being able to look away from my canvas. I was painting what the night sky looked like from the lake from when I was little.

"I'll send them here and there will be someone I know it I will send them here." she said sounding confident. Nobody wants me and I am ok with that I like my space and being alone was normal for me. After 15 minutes I started to clean my brushes and started to put away the colors I don't need. I picked up the one I had just finished and put it near a fan to dry. The windows were all closed because of how cold it was outside today so I had to use a fan. I pulled out my color mixer and set it down trying to think about what to paint. I heard some talking so I listened.

"Are you sure that she said the art room was this way?" someone asked.

"Jake I'm positive. I'm not stupid." another voice said.

"Sometimes you kinda are." a different voice said.

"Will you stop fighting she said to turn right here." an older sounding voice said. They were all male. I walked to the cabinet where the paint was. I know they can't be here for me.

"Excuse me Ms. is this the art room." the older voice said. I closed the door slightly and saw 3 tall guys with short hair and matching tattoos on their arm.

"Yes this the art room can I help you find something?" I asked. I looked back into the cabinet and stared at the colors.

"We are looking for a Paige Jones." The one pushing an old man in the wheelchair said.

"If you want to adopt her I must warn you she doesn't do well with others, she shuts out the rest of the world and only talks unless she has to if she doesn't have to talk she chooses not to. I would suggest you pick one of the younger kids that want to be adopted. Paige has been in the system since she was 5 and she wants to see the younger ones be happy before her." I said with a gentle smile. I knew that I was talking about myself but they don't care.

"I think we can decide for ourselves thank you very much." the one with attitude said. The man in the wheelchair rolled over to some of my paintings.

Lost and Found The Lone Survivor (Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now