District Seven Tributes.

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I have to say, District Seven is one of my favorite District's to visit, because it's the best smelling. It always smells like open-air and pine. (Even the body-oils back home in Capitol can't compare!)

I also have to admit, District Seven often gives us very lethal Tributes. Almost all of them are very skilled with an axe, and they use it well.

The Representative started out the reaping with much excitement. She gave the citizens a very optimistic attitude, and she eased many nervous children.

But of course, even she couldn't bring happiness to them as she reached in the large glass bowl and pulled out a slip of paper with a girl's name on it.

"Vitty Munsen,"

There were many pessimistic groans as the girl's name was chosen. I saw a few people glare at us Capitol spectators, as if it were our fault.

Out of the 12-year-old section walked the most darling little girl I've ever seen. She had beautiful red hair and puppy-eyes. I have to admit, I got a little teary-eyed as I watched the young girl take the stage, tears streaming from her eyes.

Vitty had the youngest-looking faces I've ever seen in a Tribute. She could easily pass for a small child, more around 7 or 8 years old. I've heard many people already pin her down with the nick-name 'Baby-Face'.

Everyone watched in horror as the small girl cried on stage, and her parents cried out from the audience.

We were lucky enough to speak with Vitty's parents before they hurried off to their small house in the woods.

"We had never watched the games, but we'll be rooting for our baby." Her father said, holding onto his wife's hand, tightly. But when we asked him if he thought Vitty could win, he didn't have a comment...

The Representative stood beside Vitty, placing a hand on her head and ruffling her hair. She flashed her a sympathetic look, but was forced to move on to the boy's names.

"Ash Rendwick,"

All eyes darted back to a boy towards the front, smack-dab in the middle of the other 18-year-olds. He looked taken-back momentarily, frozen in place. A few of the boys around him had to give him a push forward.

Ash stood taller than a lot of the boys around him, but he has a much softer face than a lot of the brawny boys. He also has freckles speckled all over his face.

A woman towards the back of the audience, standing beside the other parents, cried out, trying to run to Ash. The Peacekeepers intercepted her before she could reach him. He rushed over to her, his eyes starting to well up with tears.

"Mom, mom, shhh..." He said, barely loud enough for the cameras to pick up. He wiped her cheeks dry from tears, and tried to assure her. But another Peacekeeper pulled him away from his heartbroken Mother, dragging him to the stage.

He stood taller than everyone on stage, and he looked out to the audience, his bright eyes running through the crowd. He set his face in a hard-expression, stuffing his hands deep into the pockets of his pants.

When we asked around about the pretty-faced Ash, we found out that he was a regular laborer. He was one of the hardest workers in the District. He lived at home with his mother and baby sister. His father had run out on them when he was fairly young.

Everyone spoke highly of the boy, commending him for his politeness and his respectable attitude. I didn't hear anyone mutter a single bad thing about him.

When the Representative asked Vitty and Ash to shake hands, Ash did the unexpected. He got down to his knees and placed his forehead against hers. She seemed frightened by him, but he whispered something to her. He grabbed hold of her hand and held it high in the air, looking out into the audience with bravery.

Everyone in the audience applauded, and even more people cried heavy, heavy tears.

So, what are your thoughts on District Seven's Tributes? Has 'Baby-Face' Vitty won you over? Are you willing to sponsor such a young Tribute? Or has charming, pretty-boy Ash got you wrapped around his finger? Does his large heart make him more appealing, or do you think he'll be too weak to win it all?

Like always, leave a comment telling us what you think of these Tributes!

Happy Hunger Games!

- Ackley Phoenix


Thanks to @MineToKeepWarm for creating Vitty Munsen!

(Ash is my original character!) :)

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