District Three Tributes

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After two Districts full of drama, I'm sure it'll be nice for you all to hear about a more usual district. District Three returned things back to normal.

No volunteers at this District, which is to be expected from this District. The first to be reaped from the boy's section was Darren Hemling.

Of course, it's always sad to see a younger child being reaped, so it was all sorrow in District Three. Darren Hemling, we learned, is 13 years old. He looked completely terrified as he took the stage, he little knees knocking together.

The little brunette boy just stared at the cameras and tv's like they were some foreign objects. He received many grumbles and groans, as the younger Tributes often receive.

But don't let the young ones slip your minds, people! Remember Zacrey McFadden, a boy who was only 12 years old? He won the entire things with his swiftness several years ago! One thing to remember throughout this entire game; don't doubt anyone!

Like always, we asked around to see what the public opinion of their male Tribute was. We were very surprised to learn a little fact about the Hemling family, and just as surprised that we did not recognize the name Hemling before.

Darren's older sister, Teffeni, was a Tribute in the games a few years ago. She was the very shy and peaceful Tribute, that unfortunately lost her life in the Cornucopia bloodbath.

We got lucky enough to speak a word with Darren and Teffeni's mother, Sahrah,

"Darren is a very smart little boy, and I hope he takes what happened to his sister and uses it to survive,"

She seemed deeply sorrowful over the reaping of young Darren, but who can blame her? Her husband and her did not talk for very long, and we wish them our best!

Following the reapings of the boys, the girl Tribute was chosen as well.

Brianna O'Shea; a pretty little blonde girl, who looks innocent, but we learned early on that looks can be deceiving.

Once her name was chosen, she stepped forward, unafraid. The young 15-year-old girl surely took us by surprise. A look of anger and hate was definitely recognized as she mounted the stage.

As the representative congratulated the Tributes, Brianna refused to let the man lay a hand on her, she brushed his hand away quickly. And then, when asked to shake hands with Darren, she just crossed her arms and glared into the cameras.

She's a spitfire one, that's for sure!

And when we asked around, that's exactly the response we got from the citizens of District Three.

"Brianna says exactly what's on her mind, and isn't afraid of hurting other's feelings. She can be a little blunt at times, but that's what makes her all the more entertaining!" A local man explains to us, with a hearty laugh.

When we visited her home, we were surprised to see that sassy Brianna, was nothing like her family. Her mother, Catherine O'Shea was a polite, caring woman. She sat beside a tall, black-haired boy, who looked like he did not exactly fit in the O'Shea household. We found out that his name is Eddie, and he was Brianna's boyfriend.

He seemed pretty confident in his girlfriend, and assured us that she would put up a fight.

So, what do you think of our two young Tributes? Do you see something promising in young Darren, or does he just receive your sympathy? And what is your opinion on fiery little Brianna? Has her spunky attitude won you over?

Leave a comment below and let us know if you'd be interested in sponsoring either of these Tributes!

Happy Hunger Games

- Ackley Phoenix

I'd like to thank the following:

@Aidenivey1928 For creating Darren,

and @Breliomtu for creating Brianna!

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