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 Instead of going to the beach or mountains or out of the country like many others, I spent this Spring Break watching new movies. Two of these I saw in theater, and two I saw on Demand (I rented them off TV). These are my incredibly short reviews of each newer movie that I saw ^-^

Beauty and The Beast (5/5 stars): I literally have nothing bad to say about this movie. Easily the best remake Disney has done. Emma Watson was the best Belle they could have picked and I firmly believe no one could have done it better. Also, the Beast was so freaking hot not gonna lie. The entire cast was flawless, now that I think about it. I could rewatch this movie every single day and not get tired of it. 

Moana (4.95/5 stars): Okay son not technically a 'new' movie, but it is still newer. The picture was absolutely stunning ~ The plot was rich and new, and I was totally pushing for Moana! I think she and Maui were excellent foils of each other. Also, this movie succeeds in making me cry. One of my favorite Disney animated films! *Bonus points for Lin-Manuel Miranda*

Split (4.98/5 stars): I don't know why I was so scared to see this movie. It wasn't scary in a BOO - JUMP SCARE! sort of way ~ it was definitely a perfect balance of horror and thriller. I liked the plot and felt myself growing attached to the main character, especially as we learn more about her dark past. There are very few main characters in these kinds of movies who I can actually pull for. I was happy to see that, although these main characters were teenagers, they were generally smart and thought things through before executing them. Of course, they had some dumb moments, but they weren't very bad at all. Also, this movie made me sympathize with the antagonist, which I did not expect to do. I found that I genuinely cared about him as a character with character development! Bonus points for amazing ending. -.02 points bc Casey still has to stay with her gross uncle. 

Phoenix Forgotten (2.5/5 stars): I went to go see this with my two besties, Calebdeisme and  , because we had never seen a scary movie in theaters before and we're all really into aliens. This seemed like a perfect movie. But, alas, it was neither scary nor perfect. It was advertised as a found footage movie, but a majority of the movie actually wasn't showing the found footage. It focused on the sister of one of the boys who went missing and how she tracks down all the tapes. I found myself WISHING to get scared so I'd stay awake. Very boring. Nothing happened for the first hour. The last half hour was the only part that heavily featured alien activity, other than the video proof in the beginning thay actually showed the Phoenix lights. Other than that, we barely saw the actual aliens - and when we did, they were just loud, bright lights. The plot could have been a little better, as it was too predictable. It also tried to make me sympathize with the main characters, which was a futile attempt. This is a movie you watch with friends to make fun of. This movie only gets the 2.5 stars because I enjoyed making fun of it with my baes, and the cinematography was very good. The found footage actually looked realistic to the time it took place (70s), and wasn't too shaky. Also, bonus points for the dialogue not being the worst in the world.

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